May 14, 2005 00:20
had another 3 hour lecture on post modernism today, oh what fun. It is cold, its a friday night and i'm at home, it is awesome. Last night i went to the movies with katey. it was lovely to see her, but i did very little homework, trying to do more tonight but getting all caught up in Lyotard and things that i don't understand. Ha, it is already week 10. June 6th all work is finished and we party hardcore fully sick in spotswood for 10 days while both my parents are away. I liked the movie Sunless, i am very upset that I only have 2 weeks left of Film and Philosophy, it has been sublime (ha, how inappropriate)... um pretending to be smart doesn't really suit me.
MELBOURNE ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPS and Universitas 21 are giving me $1500 to go on exchange!! Its funny because i don't even know if the uni has accepted me, but an extra $1500 is going to be sooooo goood! EVERYONE START SAVING FOR NEW YORK. May/June 2006. I have changed my housing preference to Totem park, it looks tacky, i will make friends with lots of 17 year olds. It'd be nice if someone confirmed that i was actually going for sure, rather then offering money to me when the possibility of being stuck in Melbourne remains, Oh well at least i get to do sexuality and gender (i am such a film geek) I will miss Melbourne. it is my life.
I am spending the weekend in as a means of getting work done, can't see it happening, must finish essays soon, i have achieved very little this semester but it has been lots of fun, but most of that fun has been extra curricular to the whole university experience.
In conclusion, Post modernism comes before modernism and after realism and you are all living a lie.?