Sep 09, 2010 05:49
My PC is still not right. It turns itself off a lot. It usually will not turn back on until I’ve taken the memory out and put it back in. Even after that, it usually freezes either on the splash screen, or on the American Megatrends screen (the screen where it says Primary Master, Primary Slave, Secondary Master, Secondary Slave, and all that, I don’t know what it’s called, it’s a black screen with a lot of white writing and it says American Megatrends in the upper left corner because it’s an ASUS). IF I hit Del to bring up the BIOS blue/gray screen, it’s more likely to come all the way up. It almost always comes all the way up if it doesn’t freeze before I hit Del. If I can get it to start loading Windows, then I am “home free,” sort of; at least if it starts loading Windows, it will turn on. But it randomly turns itself off. This morning, it rebooted itself, which is a first (as far as I can remember). It has always just turned itself off before, and had difficulty coming back on. This has been going on since January or February, and every part has been either tested or RMAed, the motherboard has been RMAed THREE times. Does any tech-saavy person have a clue? Could this be a setting that needs to be reconfigured? Could it be a problem with the hard drive? A problem with the power supply? Any ideas would be helpful. I will be calling ASUS again later today to try to get to the bottom of this issue.
By the way, and this is quite a "by the way," Maxx is gone. He's been gone since Memorial Day. I don't mean, "dead and gone," I mean dognapped. I called every animal shelter within 50 miles and put up "Lost Dog" signs everywhere. He is simply gone. It was a good 9 years I had with him. I have to assume he was either eaten by a coyote, stolen for animal testing, or that whoever took him is either taking good care of him or has dumped him in a place where I'll never find him. It's been very difficult for me. Logging on here and seeing his picture....
Well, this was the day I was supposed to be born. I wasn't, and my paternal grandmother was SO mad because that was her birthday and for some odd reason, she wanted us to share one. I was happy because my birthday spelled 911, even though 99 was my favorite number when I was a kid (age 5) and I love repeating numbers. "Oh, no, it's your birthday, someone dial 911!" So that's also a difficult time for me, because I always remember my 22nd birthday, and that feeling, "I can never celebrate my birthday again," which I had when I saw the first tower fall, that grieving that my birthday was stolen from me by terrorists who stole the lives of so many people who were just going about their day, living their lives.
So I am going to be 31. I am so old!
I am so bad at updating these past two years. I am sorry to all those who would like to be keeping up with me. I know there are at least 3 people who still want to know what's going on with me, who don't have another way of getting in touch, and that I have never met any of them in person. I want to say that I still care about everyone on my Friends List. I still think of each of you. I see an abandoned building and I think of LauraPalmer813, I think I wish I had a camera phone (my Env 2 fell off the balcony and got a cracked screen, so I've been using Kaiden's old water damaged Blackberry, which is 4 years old, and has no camera, but he is such a nice Kaiden that he is getting me a Droid 2, though I'd rather have a Casio Brigade with the Android operating system, but unfortunately, the Brigade does not have Android, and I need a phone that has text-to-speech because of my vocal chord paralysis. I am only supposed to talk for half an hour per day, though I can usually get away with more if I'm willing to endure the pain).
So many more things to say. Bizarre stories about my mom, like her thinking I dress too Pentecostal and her thinking that it would be better to leave my beloved cat Siama stuck up a tree to die a horrible death of starvation, thirst, and exposure where her dogs chased him than for Kaiden to take a day off work so we could use a 16-foot pole to pass a rope over the tree, tie a utility tub full of catnip to the rope, and lower Siama to safety. We did this, but he was 50+ hours in the tree, poor baby, and he was so disoriented that he was unable to turn around to get into the tub, so we had to untie it, switch the tub and counterweight, and then do it again so that the tub was in front of him instead of behind. Poor baby! He loved the catnip, of course, it's like smelling salts and brandy to a fainted Victorian woman, and of course, he lapped up water for a solid 15 minutes, but he didn't eat right away. I knew he could get organ damage if we pushed it much further.
Anyway, if the computer ever quits acting so badly, I will endeavor to write more frequently. Meanwhile, I want everyone to know that my old cell # is not good anymore, I will post a Friends Only entry with my contact info, and also, ...I forgot. Perhaps I'll remember later. It is very early in the morning!