Title: Roomates PART B Length: Oneshot Parings: Jaeho Genre: Smut, Romance, minor Angst Rating: NC-17 Beta: yunho1205 Summary: Yunho fell in love with his best friend, but will his feelings be reciprocate?
I LOVE~~ So hot!!! Jae love YUNHO! NOW! Oh! BTW bb, i am working on your fic request and i am sorry if i can't post it early, i am not done yet, forgive me? :(
Here, i am nervous! Fuck! I am not good at smut! If you read my smut fictions, it was a total fail, now i am nervous on what my fiction will came out to be!! Haiiish, i am your BIGGEST fan and i am nervous /pout./ you hate me now, i know =(
ahahaha! lol, no need to worry. if anything, porn (straight or gay) is the answer. i won't lie, some of my oneshots are based off of those but i still make where it's still authentic and original in my own words. just take bits and bits of it and let your muse take over. granted, it took me AGES just to finished ONE FREAKIN' SHOT but...to have all of you read and comment, it was worth the efforts. take your time on it and you'll get more inspirations as you put thoughts into it. ^^
lol, no need to worry. so long i get to read it, timing is not important. i generally tell my beta friends that i care more the quality of the story than the timing because if you rush it, it wouldn't...sound as good as you wanted to be. oh? what kinda deal? :D
PHEW! Your cool. :) Hahaha! But I don't want to disappoint you so I am trying my best to finish it but since it's okay to you, I will finish it 10 years later! Hahaha, kidding :) :D :P
THE DEAL. Every prson who will request a fiction to me will have a promise.. to be best friends forever with me and shall not take the story as his/her property.
10YRS?! I'll be hunting you down at that point LOL! anyway, take your time with it, but i do want a good smut scene though. HAHA! ahhh...so that's the deal. cool, i don't mind at all. happy to friends and of course I would never take your stories as my property. you're the writer, you're the owner. simple as that. :D
I LOVE~~ So hot!!! Jae love YUNHO! NOW!
Oh! BTW bb, i am working on your fic request and i am sorry if i can't post it early, i am not done yet, forgive me? :(
no worry about it the request! take as long as you like, im expecting a good smut scene though :D
<3 ya bb!
lol, no need to worry.
if anything, porn (straight or gay) is the answer.
i won't lie, some of my oneshots are based off of those but i still make where it's still authentic and original in my own words. just take bits and bits of it and let your muse take over.
granted, it took me AGES just to finished ONE FREAKIN' SHOT but...to have all of you read and comment, it was worth the efforts.
take your time on it and you'll get more inspirations as you put thoughts into it.
Ow! Before that, all who are requesting fictions will have a deal with me :D
so long i get to read it, timing is not important.
i generally tell my beta friends that i care more the quality of the story than the timing because if you rush it, it wouldn't...sound as good as you wanted to be.
oh? what kinda deal?
Hahaha! But I don't want to disappoint you so I am trying my best to finish it but since it's okay to you, I will finish it 10 years later! Hahaha, kidding :) :D :P
Every prson who will request a fiction to me will have a promise.. to be best friends forever with me and shall not take the story as his/her property.
anyway, take your time with it, but i do want a good smut scene though. HAHA!
ahhh...so that's the deal. cool, i don't mind at all. happy to friends and of course I would never take your stories as my property. you're the writer, you're the owner. simple as that. :D
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