for lookscold B(

Jan 02, 2012 22:19


[and then it faded it black... just kidding....] )

xiaolongbaozhu, lookscold

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lookscold January 3 2012, 05:00:37 UTC
ifn' you say so.......

[Even as he's drunk, Iceland isn't exactly convinced that Hong Kong can be better than him. This won't feel good at all, gosh. It'll only feel good if he tops. Yet, he's still all for this; tilting his head up, stretching his neck up to press his lips hard and passionate against that insistent kiss. He returns it just as deep as Hong Kong dares to kiss, as if in some sort of kissing competition. Booze may make Iceland loose as hell, but he's still full of drunken pride.]

[Though, perhaps that pride breaks a little when Hong Kong moves his legs. Perhaps he surrenders just that little bit more to his friend once that pressure pushes against him and he moans audibly into Hong Kong's mouth between the kiss.]


xiaolongbaozhu January 3 2012, 08:49:39 UTC
[He catches that moan. He likes that moan. Everything is too fuzzy for Hong Kong to even figure out exactly what caused it but that's all right as he simply shifts more against the other, that need of his own growing below and causing him frustration when he moves against Iceland once more. However, if it's a kissing competition then Iceland is on as Hong Kong kisses all the more deeper, pressing him harder into the couch as his hands move from his friend's wrists to slip in between fingers.]

[He'd be actually perfectly content doing nothing but kiss the other deeply, but yes, drunk horny teenage hormones ensure that he wants more than just this. His hips begin to move subtley against the other's, finally realising what drew that moan from him, and Hong Kong starts to grind slightly against his friend as noises of his own slip out against his lips.]


lookscold January 3 2012, 10:50:16 UTC
[It's too bad they're both pretty sloppy with their kisses, with, y'know, the whole alcohol thing fuckin' them both up pretty bad. The kisses are hard, deep, broad; but almost unattractively sloppy. Almost. They're definitely attractive enough for Iceland as he is right now, and to add to it he bites down on Hong Kong's lower lips softly, withdrawing just a little bit after to catch his breath-- OKAY SO HE LOST THE KISSING COMPETITION, SHUT UP. He's drunk! He... OBVIOUSLY HONG KONG IS SOBER RIGHT NOW AND THAT IS WHY HE WON THE KISSING COMPETITION.]

[But losing hardly matters now that those hips lightly move against him; beginning to grind against him. He wants more of that, more of that friction. His breath hitches and he hisses close to Hong Kong's lips... A moan following soon after, his own hips rising up slightly: More. Something more. The fingers laced with Hong Kong's grasp lightly, already bracing himself against the sensations.]


xiaolongbaozhu January 3 2012, 11:22:10 UTC
[Hong Kong is in quite the horny, drunken daze right now, and he lets his head fall down to his friend's neck, kissing in a frenzy as he presses his lips to the flesh and nips at his neck in between. His teeth close lightly on it at first, but gradually bite at the pale skin with increasing force until marks begin to litter Iceland's throat- marks made by Hong Kong and Hong Kong alone; proof that in a way Iceland is his, or at least is for now.]

[All the while, his hips press down against Iceland, grinding and rocking against that pressure. It's slow but needy as Hong Kong shifts and moves against his friend, moaning against his throat, hands clutching tight at his before one pries itself free to move downwards towards the other's trousers. All it does at first is rest there, pressing clumsily at the swell between his legs and tugging at the fabric before Hong Kong remembers a thing known as a zipper exists- and those fingers fumble clumsily with the fly responsible for keeping those pants in the way between them.]


lookscold January 4 2012, 08:16:16 UTC
[Iceland lets out a high whimper. It's not one of protest, oh no, far from that. It's instinctual and perhaps a twisted, drunken way of begging for more... As well as bracing him against those bites and markings; lip quivering slightly as his breath continues to hitch.]

[The moans are reserved specifically to counter the other shifting against him, surely with lust-filled dedication. At first that clumsy press feels good against him- That little bit of pressure sparking the start of something more he wants... However, it soon becomes frustrating as Iceland tilts his head forward to try to look at Hong Kong's hand with a, what are you doing just fuck me god sort of expression, not even realizing it's because the other is too drunk to do it proper at first. Iceland would probably do the exact same thing were he topping, too. Gosh.]

[Then finally he hears that zipper go down.]

make sure y'take yers off, too.......

[.......... Thanks, Iceland.]


xiaolongbaozhu January 4 2012, 10:20:01 UTC
[No really, thanks, because Hong Kong might have actually forgotten to. If he had one. Which is also something he forgets, because his kungfu pants are fly-free and he only finds out when searching at his own waistline. So for now he gives up with that, instead working and pulling at Iceland's clothing instead. It's a struggle but eventually he manages to get those fabric barriers down enough to expose the other, doing his best to tug them off but failing because of those goddamn hooker boots[Those laces are enough of a deterrant to his patience and he gives up right away, and instead his fingers go to fumble at the sash around his waist- it's too constrictive, too troublesome, and everything is too hot right now. The buttons of his top are clumsily undone, shirt falling open and he begins to kiss at Iceland once more as his hands finally go to his own pants and draw them down. Bare chest presses against fabric and that in itself is frustrating- but he's too drunk and impatient to care. If his friend wants to strip then it'll have to ( ... )


lookscold January 4 2012, 12:07:39 UTC
[S'all good, just looking out for you, buddy. ALSO THEY ARE NOT HOOKER BOOTS, THEY ARE PERFECTLY SENSIBLE THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND WELL Iceland would consider striping for Hong Kong, but the thing is... There's not much room to squeeze his hands in between them and work at his buttons and it would probably take him forever and then Hong Kong might pass out on top of him and-- AND WELL IT'S NOT AN OPPORTUNE MOMENT. Especially not as Iceland moans hard into Hong Kong's mouth; noises stirring in his throat and begging to be released-- But like hell Iceland is giving this up.]

[His hips move up, desperate for more friction. There's an attempt to match Hong Kong's pace at first, but it only moderately succeeds. This is like playing DDR while drunk. Except there's more cocks involved. Just as much sweat, though.]

hong... is sms...d...f..mmm...



xiaolongbaozhu January 5 2012, 01:18:00 UTC
[HOOKER BOOTS. GETTING IN THE WAY OF HIM PULLING YOUR PANTS DOWN AND SPREADING YOUR LEGS, ICELAND. IF HE CANNOT GET BETWEEN YOUR LEGS HE CANNOT FUCK YOU AND THIS IS A MATTER OF GREAT CONCERN that he'll just deal with later. For now Hong Kong silences that incoherent mumbling as he slides his tongue past their lips once more, still eager to kiss his friend broad and deep, as messy and clumsy as they both are right now. The grinding persists- insistent, desperate, but just as uncoordinated as that kiss as every now and then Hong Kong misses and slips because he sucks.]


[Simply pressing hard against the other soon isn't enough for him, and he breaks the kiss to pant and gasp and free those noises from both of them at last. Hong Kong rocks ever harder against him, impatient to do something more but ICELAND. YOUR PANTS ARE IN THE WAY. He buries his face in his neck to outright bite at the skin there in frustration, hands pulling uselessly at those stubborn boots all the while as he moves with need against his friend


lookscold January 5 2012, 04:01:25 UTC

[Iceland whines out that... Word? Who knows what it was. Especially between moans and gasps, not to mention a pretty definite groan as Hong Kong bites his neck outright. Geez, what happened to romantic nibbling? YOU DRUNKEN FOOL. He finally realizes Hong Kong can't get those boots off, and with a disappointing sigh, he pushes the other off of him and sits up.]

[Falls back down on the couch.]

[Sits up again, swinging himself over a little so he can reach at his boots.]

they're jus' boots hong, ain't locked in or nuthin'.......

[He bends over, fingers fumbling; but he's used to his boots and it doesn't take long for him to unlace them and kick them off. He decides to pull down his trousers and shake them off while he's in this position to save Hong Kong the trouble SINCE HE'S SO INEFFIECIENT GOSH.]


no hard geez

[ICELAND YOU ARE SO INSULTING ROFL. He's just sexually frustrated, okay?!?!]


xiaolongbaozhu January 5 2012, 04:24:53 UTC
[HEY SHUT UP ICE, HE'S THE ONE DOING ALL THE HARD WORK HERE. Hong Kong watches impatiently as he strips the last of his clothing off and decides he's taking far too long- so he'll just help out by draping himself uselessly against him until he's done. And as soon as he is, he hardly waits for those drunken words to leave him before crashing their lips together again and outright shoving him back down hard onto the couch and pinning him down with his body.]

[Reaching blindly for his legs, Hong Kong eventually finds them, taking hold of narrow ankles to raise up and spread Iceland's legs. In between alcohol and his inexperience, preparation or anything of the sort is the last thing on his mind. He just wants to fuck his friend into the couch right this moment, and that's exactly what he positions himself to do- already pressing hard against the other's entrance in all his impatience.]


lookscold January 5 2012, 06:04:14 UTC

[Iceland can barely even register what's going on now. One moment he was ridding himself of boots and trousers, and now he's pinned down again and oh is that lips against his? Well okay, he'll return the kiss hard, that's fine-- Oh. What's that against him down there? Well okay, he-- NO WAIT.]


[He writhes his head, shaking it back and forth- breaking the kiss.]

nooo ain't

don't wanna hurt
do other stuff firsttt

[He's WHIINNNNNNNNINGGGGGGGGG aren't you gonna do what he wants, Hong Kong? AREN'T YOU GOING TO TREAT HIM LIKE A PRETTY PRETTY PRINCESS??????!??!?!?!?!]


xiaolongbaozhu January 5 2012, 06:35:21 UTC
[NO BECAUSE HE'S DRUNK. Hong Kong draws away slightly, movements unsteady as he shoots Iceland an annoyed look as much as he's able to, irritated that he's being cockblocked by the one he's trying to fuck.]

[It's only a moment or two of blank staring after he manages to get the word out that he drops right back down on top of him, dipping to force his lips against him once again and kiss him hard HOW COULD YOU BREAK THAT KISS, GOSH ICELAND. The concept of prep escapes him entirely and he just wants to stick it in. Even as he holds his friend down and continues to kiss him with or without his consent, he's starting to push against him, listening to his body's urges and already trying to thrust himself into the other. Better do something quick, Iceland.]


JUST WANTS TO. STICK. IT IN. lookscold January 5 2012, 08:00:12 UTC

[Noooo. Noooooooooooo. Iceland complains against the kiss. Really, he wants to kiss back and part of him isn't completely against the other just fucking him hard like this.]


[Pain bad.]

[Iceland no like pain. Iceland not prepared for this yet.]

[So he tries to push Hong Kong off the couch.]


YES. also i apologise for this tag. xiaolongbaozhu January 5 2012, 08:01:07 UTC

[He falls.]


ROFL lookscold January 5 2012, 08:14:04 UTC
[Rolls over on his stomach and hangs over the couch a little, looking down at Hong Kong.]

do it better


hk is sexiest xiaolongbaozhu January 5 2012, 08:27:55 UTC

[the tiniest]

[ok it didn't]

[Hong Kong sits up, almost toppling over in the process, and stares up at him.]

Do whaat.

[And then he starts trying to scramble back up onto the couch and moving over the other again. HE'S ANNOYED. HE'S HORNY. ICELAND STOP COCKBLOCKING HIM AND LET HIM FUCK YOUUUU.]


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