For osmaniac and tourkokratia

Apr 19, 2013 21:33

[A very satisfied Conquistador is hanging at the meme docks today, having sent his ship back off toward home only hours ago...][A very satisfied Conquistador is hanging at the meme docks today, having sent his ship back off toward home only hours ago, loaded with goods from his previous exploration and a few new things more recently discovered here. Usually he’d be on that ship, would never allow it to leave without him, but he’s had some convincing to stick around for a Read more... )

tourkokratia, spanish_empire, osmaniac

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tourkokratia April 23 2013, 03:55:07 UTC
[when morning comes, he's the first one awake and in the kitchen, clattering around and making a mess as he tries to put together the biggest breakfast ever for his new pet]

[cold meat, olives, bread, more olives, eggs, even more olives]

[and he somehow miraculously manages to drag it all over to Spain's room, though he can't unlock the door without Turkey]


[time to go wake Turkey up by crawling all over him]


spanish_empire April 23 2013, 04:00:24 UTC
[He's been having the same problem with that stupid door]

[For once he was early to rise, the unfamiliarity of his environment keeping him from a good night's rest and lingering pain from getting back to sleep]

[Luckily, even though his broken arm is still useless, he did wake to some movement back in the other, even if it is painful and too stiff to do all that much. Of course, the first thing he tried to do with his almost functioning arm was open the door and get out, but with that plan sabotaged by the lock he's been lying back on the bed, nothing to do but wait]


osmaniac April 23 2013, 04:08:28 UTC
[meanwhile he's fast asleep despite the lingering pain from his wounds. the physical and piled-up mental tiredness certainly helps with that]

[has no concern about feeding Spain more, he has placed the kid's bread on the floor for him!]

[then he feels weight crawling all over him]

[muffles grumbling into the pillow] Fifty more minutes...


tourkokratia April 23 2013, 04:13:58 UTC
[crawling on top of Turkey till he's king of the mountain and starts bouncing]

Wake up! Wake up! I gotta feed Antonio! Where's the key??

[probably being loud enough that Spain can hear in his room]


spanish_empire April 23 2013, 04:18:41 UTC
[He did pick at the bread a little after waking, but gave up on that pretty quick with how much the movement from the dish to his mouth hurt. If he had spotted the meat hidden underneath he probably would have had a go at that, despite the pain, but just plain bread wasn't worth it. Too bad]

[Yup, he heard noise anyway, although the words are muffled through the wall]

[Tries to ignore it. Of course the house would start getting up by now, just some noise doesn't necessarily mean anything for him until his door's unlocked]

[But maybe he's trying to listen in more closely]


osmaniac April 23 2013, 04:21:45 UTC
[and with a stubborn child bouncing on him in bed, he's the one identifying with Spain now]

[lifts his head up]


[behold the unshaven groggy morning face of pure terror]


tourkokratia April 23 2013, 04:26:45 UTC
[stops bouncing and shrieks!]

[then giggles]

Where's your key?

[lifts up the blanket and crawls in, feeling up Turkey's body cause maybe he took the key to bed with him cause Turkey is weird like that]

[giving a pat down]

I gotta give Antonio his breakfast!


spanish_empire April 23 2013, 04:30:24 UTC
[Even though it's muffled, he can pick his own name out in that string of sounds, tilting his head toward the wall with more interest now]

[Maybe this will mean something for him after all, though whether that's good or bad is up for debate]

[Pulls himself back up to a sitting position anyway while he waits, he doesn't want to just be sloppily lying around if you two do come back to him]


osmaniac April 23 2013, 04:35:48 UTC
Hmph. He already has food in there, much more that what he deserves. [massaging him won't change his mind!]

Ya should be servin breakfast to me first, anyway.

[but he does sit up]


tourkokratia April 23 2013, 04:42:07 UTC

[quickly wiggles his way out from under the blanket and disappears into the hall, where he trips over some of his breakfast banquet with a loud crash, oops there goes the bread, good thing Spain has plenty in his room still]

[moments later, he returns with a single olive]

[climbs back onto the bed and shoves it in Turkey's mouth]

Okay, NOW where's the key?


spanish_empire April 23 2013, 04:44:00 UTC
[They're going to waste half the food in Turkey's house between them at this rate. Or half the bread, anyway]

[The crash outside his door startles him, and he tenses up, expecting his door to open next-]

[And nothing happens]

[What a let down. Maybe no one's coming after all...]


osmaniac April 23 2013, 04:51:14 UTC
[...chews on it]

[getting up, because he doesn't want you to destroy the house while he's snoozing]

Wait at his door, will be there...

[let him look somewhat decent first]


tourkokratia April 23 2013, 04:53:17 UTC
[and he's instantly gone from sight and standing patiently at Spain's door calling out loudly like there's a valley between them rather than just a door]

Antonios! I got breakfast for you, okay? Are you awake?


spanish_empire April 23 2013, 04:59:43 UTC
[He's still not really cool with his name being used without permission like this...]

[Do you... really want him to talk back to you through the door? This is a little awkward. He's not going to reply right now]

[Mostly he's wishing there was a bathroom attached to this so he could go clean himself up too, totally not fair Turkey gets to look presentable and he's stuck like a wreck]


osmaniac April 23 2013, 05:05:23 UTC
[sorry, the five star suites were not available at the moment]

[once he's done, he arrives next to the kid to start unlocking the door]

...That's quite a feast ya prepared for him. [why does he get just an olive]

[opens the door for him]

Go on.


tourkokratia April 23 2013, 05:08:21 UTC
Cause you aren't mine...

[picks up as many plates as he can and waddles forth into the room]

Antonios! Breakfast!!

[come and get it]


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