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undimmedbytears June 21 2012, 12:44:47 UTC
[ Amelia eyes the beer, of course, but she doesn't say anything, feeling generous enough to give Arthur the benefit of the doubt for now- mostly because she's preoccupied with thinking about wrangling her typically uptight date into dancing with her. She fully intends to manipulate his more jealous tendencies to get him out there with her on the dance floor if she absolutely has to, but she'd prefer not to fight tonight.

She grins easily at him and raises her wine glass in a bit of a toast, then she does the utter most unlady-like thing she possibly can without making a mess; Amelia scoots her chair closer to Arthur's and snuggles up to him, picking at her meal without moving away from him. ]

It's not bad!


bloodybrows June 22 2012, 00:38:07 UTC
[Amelia is certainly doing an excellent job of making him as distracted as possible, as proved when he feels her pull in closer just as he's about to take a sip of his beer. Putting back down the glass without drinking anything, England looks at her in surprise, and feels his cheeks warm up at the unexpected invasion of privacy.]

Oh- well, good-!

[He clears his throat, but doesn't make any effort to shift away from her snuggling, instead turning away from Amelia just to pick at his own food, while using it as an opportunity to try and not to let on how flustered he is at the close contact.]


undimmedbytears June 24 2012, 00:34:58 UTC
[ The younger nation can't resist smirking to herself in amusement, because of course she can see him blushing, but she feels far more pleased by the fact that England hasn't pulled away from her. She figures he must enjoy the closeness, even if he's clearly not accustomed to it, so she makes herself comfortable tucked against his side and sighs contentedly, feeling rather victorious here. ]

So, do you like music, Arthur?


bloodybrows June 24 2012, 01:13:00 UTC
[England takes a bite of his food, doing his best to appear at ease, despite the heat on his cheeks. But he really rather does like how close Amelia is, and doesn't feel a huge desire to pull away, despite his embarrassment. He turns to the younger nation to answer, frowning a little.]

Well- that would really depend on the type of music, wouldn't it? But... yes, of course I do.


undimmedbytears June 24 2012, 22:48:15 UTC
[ America laughs at that and she continues to smirk, this time up at him. ]

I'm sure you could get them to play some punk, but I don't think moshing in a dress would be safe.


bloodybrows June 24 2012, 23:29:36 UTC
[England rolls his eyes.]

You know, it's not only punk I like. There's all manner of music we could dan- [He cuts himself off, clearing his throat-] I mean, there's... all manner of music I enjoy.


undimmedbytears June 24 2012, 23:34:40 UTC

[ Amelia leans up, bringing her face very close to his and she taps his nose lightly with an index finger. ]

Too late, I heard you! You said we could dance. You can't take it back now!


bloodybrows June 24 2012, 23:52:55 UTC
[England feels his cheeks redden as Amelia's face is suddenly very close to his own and he looks away, toward the dance floor, frowning.]

Well- well, if you really insist on it, I suppose.

[He looks back at her, straightening his tie.]

I'm not a bad dancer, you know.


undimmedbytears June 25 2012, 00:27:43 UTC
Is that so?

[ She puts her hands on his tie too, meaning to straighten it for him, knowing very well that she's likely only prompting more blushing and tittering from him by doing so. She can't help herself; he's just very cute when he's so embarrassed and it's fun for her. ]

Good, 'cause I really do insist. After dinner?


bloodybrows June 25 2012, 00:55:40 UTC
[He swallows and takes his hands away as Amelia's begin to straighten his tie for him. His flush is only made worse, but he ignores it as best he can and nods before picking back up his fork, looking back down at his meal once Amelia is done with his tie.]

All right. I hope this means you're also able to dance.


undimmedbytears June 25 2012, 01:14:53 UTC
Of course I know how to dance! I love dancing! And music!

[ She brings up a hand and extends her little finger at England though before withdrawing more from his personal space. ]

Pinky swear with me.


bloodybrows June 25 2012, 01:34:55 UTC
Well, good-

[He stares at Amelia's hand for a moment, blinking at her with a brow raised, before sighing and wrapping his own little finger around hers.]

I... pinky swear.



undimmedbytears June 25 2012, 03:27:04 UTC
[ America grins and nods, lowering their hands, but she still doesn't pull away just yet. ]

I'll hold you to your promise, y'know...


bloodybrows June 25 2012, 10:59:53 UTC
[He looks down at their hands, then back up at Amelia with a tiny smile.]

Well, I keep my promises. So- there's no need to be worried.

[Clearing his throat and breaking the eye contact, he points to Amelia's burger, looking back to his own meal.]

Better eat that before it gets cold.


undimmedbytears June 26 2012, 09:53:33 UTC
[ The younger nation laughs in amusement, but she does turn to her dinner after all. ]

Yes, Father!


bloodybrows June 29 2012, 17:06:46 UTC
[England frowns slightly at the mash potato on his fork, before glancing back at Amelia.]

Don't call me that.


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