Sep 25, 2010 00:21
Friends, Romans, Livejournalers, lend me your eyeballs.
There is a reason for my disappearance. I am a ghost and am typing from Heaven's Public Library. I have to make this quick since they still only have one hour time limits.
But onto the update of mine poor life! So, of course, I've started my Senior year of highschool, which is all fine and dandy, except the workload, which is murder, and am currently trying to get accepted to college! Where, do you ask? Well, I'll tell you this:
No snow.
Ivy League.
Sorry those of you with yearly snow, but I can't stand the cold for too long. Anything below 72 is freezing as far as I and my fellow city friends are concerned. Still, not complaining too much. I love skiing. :3
Basically, I shall be missing until my college either accepts me, defers me, or just plain ol' rejects me. I pray it's the first one.
But moving on, I found two new things which in and of themselves are not new, but they're new to me: The Colbert Report and Supernatural.
Oh the fun I shall have with the best Conservative correspondent on TV and the vessels of Lucifer and Micheal.
So how has everyone else been?