
Dec 10, 2012 21:31

adapted from here.
Time to spread some holiday cheer in the form of feedback for authors!

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airplanewishes December 11 2012, 08:45:14 UTC
airplanewishes December 11 2012, 09:21:09 UTC
wow i hate you you make me ship subaek and now i want more and there's seriously nothing more, waylt ;~~~~~~~; i read your kristoria and it was so cute and warm i love it. so glad someone wrote kristoria because they look so good and unf together. i've only ever read those two fics and they gave me same warm feeling that i love. except idk how your subaek made me cry, i didn't even see it coming

anw just took a look at your masterlist (yay selukai) and is excited to read some more!


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 09:53:18 UTC
I suppose I should apologize for making you cry with SuBaek, but I'll take it as a compliment at the same time since it seemed to affect you that much. But I'm glad you liked them, as well as KrisToria.

Can I warn you about SeLuKai? LOL that was the first EXO fic I wrote and it's probably very raw and just weird or something. LOL.

Thank you for the comment! :)


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 12:10:15 UTC
it is a compliment and a hint so you'd write more subaek ;~~~~~;

lol it's ok i'll take everything selukai u_u


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 13:52:13 UTC
Thank you! I'll do my best. :)


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 09:32:42 UTC
i liked your dream series even though the timeline felt a little messy between the stories! your fics are just very nice and cute and i enjoy reading them, but the one thing i really have to comment on is your formatting? i mostly read fic on my phone because i'm always on the go and idk what formatting you're using for your fics but every time i try to read them it shows up as one word per line and it drives me crazy ;~; because i'll see that you've posted something new and i immediately want to read it, but then i see the one-word-per-line thing and all of that excitement deflates and i have to debate over if i can still enjoy your fic when i have to read it the way i do ( ... )


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 09:55:55 UTC
/sigh/ Yes, the timeline of the Dream Series really is messed up. I hadn't really intended to write them all in the same time frame and just wanted to write each of their stories. Hopefully it's not that obvious? I tried to fix Hello Dream and Someday Dream, but yeah. >< Sorry about that.

About formatting, hmmm, it's probably the phone? Coz when I try to read it through my phone, too, it's the same for me. And it goes for all other fics I try to read on LJ. :)

I'm glad you liked the SuKai. :D And thank you for being excited to read my fics! ♥♥


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 10:02:35 UTC
not the anon you replied to but what do you use to center your text?


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 10:22:47 UTC
< div style="text-align: justify; margin-left: 200px; margin-right: 200px" > :)


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 11:15:45 UTC
try using this, maybe? i haven't had any trouble on my phone with this format:

< table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin:0px auto; text-align: justify;" width="80%" >< tbody >< tr >< td >


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 13:52:34 UTC
Thank you! Will try it out sometime. :)


loudestoflove December 11 2012, 17:53:12 UTC
i love your writing so much, there's always this nice natural, warm feel to it. it's realistic without being a downer, and i really like that you don't sacrifice too much of that realism in order to give your characters a happy ending. sometimes people really aren't meant to be together, and that's okay. also wow i can't gush enough about the friendships in your fics, because so often the focus is just on a relationship, with friends as a prop to provide a push or wisdom or whatever (i'm sure i'm guilty of it myself) but esp in the dream series, the way that you set up that friendship between their little group was so nice, bc friendship is just as important as romance!! my only comment is that (wow this is vague i apologize in advance) sometimes i feel like your writing can be a little loose? esp in the longer ones. you probably just need a good beta with an eye for what can be trimmed in order to give your fic a bit more punch. other than that, keep up the good work, you continue to write the kind of fluff i want to curl up and go ( ... )


airplanewishes December 12 2012, 07:16:35 UTC
Thank you, Kendra! :)

With regards to my writing being loose, yes, I feel that way about some of my fics, but I just don't know how to tighten things up. LOL. And lol guess what, I've rarely cut things out from my fics. :)) Again, thank you. :)


hyperlydian December 11 2012, 18:09:07 UTC
frances im so shameless im not even going to bother with anon :D

whenever im having a crummy day, i go to your journal, because i feel like with your writing, i'm always promised a happy, satisfying ending. its like each frances story is a truffle (the chocolate kind, not the mushroom, though i hear people like those too). your dream series brightened up several grumpy days of mine, and for that i have to say "thank you".

now, objectively, i might tell you to try a more dramatic plot since everything you write seems fairly life-of-life, but i also don't believe in forcing a genre that you're not comfortable with, so take that with a grain of salt. thanks so much for writing <33


airplanewishes December 12 2012, 07:18:25 UTC
It's really nice to hear that my fics can brighten up people's day. I'm glad it did yours. :)

Yeah, I'm trying to push out of my comfort zone, but failing since I tend to shrivel up with writing things I don't know how to. But I'll keep this in mind. Thank you very much, Annie! :D


airplanewishes December 11 2012, 22:04:10 UTC
i'll be honest, i hope it's okay. i find your writing a bit bland, and nothing stands out. you write a lot, and i admire your stamina, but they're all like instant food - "fine if you don't read it, fine if you do". they are not engaging, and they are not fresh. i feel like i've seen too many fics out there like it, with the same writing style and the same idea and the same characterization. your writing skills are decent, and i think it would be nice if you could challenge yourself more. be more creative with your plot, put more depth into characterization, put more feelings into your writing. slow down and really think about a story instead of just pumping them out because you feel like you have to.


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