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Apr 10, 2011 15:15

As a few people know, I'm doing my honours in maths this year. Has been going, well, ok I guess, I could do with more sleep, and I'm a bit lost in some areas, but on the whole it isn't going too badly...or hasn't been, up until now. Oooh, ominous! And when I say not too badly, I mean pretty damn well, besides accidentally offending one of the few people who'll be assessing my lit review and my project. Good thinking there, go me.

The next fortnight is going to be pretty important for how my year unfolds, as on Tuesday I'm going to be pitching both what I understand to my supervisor, and more critically, some big potential revisions to the project, that I don't think he has considered. That he hasn't considered them means either that I'm getting myself in for a lot of extra work, it's too much work for the year, or that my supervisor doesn't understand what I'm working on well enough to have posed the problem in the best possible manner. All of which are bad. Not only that but I pick up another lecture topic this week (yay for 7 hours of lectures with a 1 hour break on Thursdays, this is going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun), have two massive assignments due, a few minor assignments, a final round interview for a big scholarship (that I'm not technically eligible for, but I made the final round, so, well, call me a pickle and colour me confused) and a whole lot of convincing of Engineering faculty people to try and get my old scholarship back (as it was cancelled last week).

But at least my project seems like it'll be interesting, I have good ideas, and I'm starting to get a grasp on it. I think, anyway, will have to wait until my pitch on Tuesday to see.

Now I've put everyone to sleep, other stuff! Was at a party last night, which was pretty grand, spoke to chu_is, no_pancakes and darias_boots for a while, and a little bit with ultrapeach and a handful of other people as well, was nice seeing everyone from that group again, because I don't think I've seen many of them (besides at Chu's birthday) since early last year, with the exception of the ballet for two of them, I think.

Spent far too much coin on boots, which hopefully, hopefully shall be ready within the next two weeks - I'm meant to be receiving a call by this Friday to arrange for trying on the prototype, which as of yet is still incomplete. Cant rush these things....but damnit, want now! Plus, need to buy new clothes to go with said boots, and actually having them in my hands would be nice for that. Money comes in, money goes out, as it seems. Depending on how this week goes I may go for another job, as it's such a good opportunity for what I'm looking to do in a few years time. Not really confident about that, considering I only just considered it, well, then, but what the hell, I mean, who needs sleep anyway.

Now, I'm going to escape the paint fumes filling the house and sit outside, or go ride my bike possibly, so tallyho.
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