Theme suggestions

Jun 19, 2010 16:21

While I have a few ideas for post themes myself, I'm not an infinite storehouse of creativity. (If I was, I'd have already published the next Great American Novel and retired rich and famous.) So, if you have any ideas for settings you'd like to see go up, comment here!

Just a few rules:
  • Nothing adult-themed. This is an all-ages community when it comes to both muns and characters, so there won't be any brothels or love hotels.
  • If you're suggesting a specific canon universe, give me a link to a description or wiki article. I don't know every canon out there, after all.
  • Don't reply to someone else's comment telling them they suck or have bad ideas. If their idea is truly, truly awful, it won't be picked. If it does get picked but you still think it's bad, no one is forcing you to participate.

Go forth and suggest!
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