Sep 05, 2006 10:16
It's amazing how much things change from year to year and even day to day. People who you thought would always be your best friends and people you thought you couldnt live without. But here you are in a day when you see none of those things are true. When you realize that some people may only be with you on your journey through life for a short time. There are times you wish you could hold on to them or redirect paths but later down the road you see more of the overall picture. I know that with life being so unpredictable and unstable at times I try to grab a hold of anything that stays the same but nothing really stays the same. People change. Feelings change. You make mistakes. There are things you wish you could unsay and people you wish you could unmeet but you would never be who you are today without all of those events happening. We are meant to change and evolve and grow through time. There are times I look back and cant believe how I actted, overreacted and even underreacted. But those times are gone and the people and events that occured are over and moved on and I'm glad. I held on to the sad and disapointing times so much when I just should have been happy for the good memories I had with old friends and keep my eyes on what is happening around me everyday. Sometimes its hard to realize how quickly things change. For me my neice has shown me just that. I'm always amazed at how much she's grown every day I see her and am fasinated by the new things she can do. How often do we look at our lives and be amazed that sound comes out or are fasinated with our feet? lol I know that sounds dumb but when I see my neice's eyes light up when she found out her toes could reach her mouth or see how all my family's faces light up when she growls it makes me wonder what other things we just over look in our day to day life. We are no longer fasinated when we speak because we tend to then stick our foot in our mouths but there are probably so many things that we just dont see going on around us. At the time you think something is a life or death situation and then acouple months later you forgot the event even occured. I was watching wife swap last night and one of the families pretends they live in Midevil times. They dress in that clothing, the all have roles and alter egos, they home school and jump over swords for physical education. It was crazy but it also showed me there are so many things out there I would never have expected. Who thought some people actually live like that? I would never have known. There are so many things out there that we'll never see and never experience. We can never really get the full story about situations occuring or how people really feel. But since we only get to live once, so we shoud really live it up. Keep your eyes in the present and let your heart be filled with the best memories of the past instead of shadowed with hurt and let your mind rest at ease that there will be more good times to come. That peace is just up a head of the current disaster. That people will forget or forgive the mistakes you made at one time or another and over all just that everyone changes. even you.