Yay~! Jason Mraz is coming. I'm going to see him on Wednesday. X3 He's one of my favorite musicians. I got corner seats, but at least they're kind of in the front. I compare his music to Slim Shady mixed with Jesse McCartny. Wow... that's a terrible comparison... But really, mixing those two together is the awesome combination I've come to know as Jason Mraz. I have his first CD, in fact it was the first CD I ever bought.
I love going to concerts, even if the bands suck live. Up til now, the best band I've seen (or rather heard) was Blue October. That probably means I haven't been to a lot of concerts (which is right on target), but I just love the feel of getting into the crowd with a bunch of other people who are just enjoying themselves... or maybe just moshing and trying to get in the front. I was in a Mosh Pit on a military base when Three Day's Grace was playing. That was interesting... O.o I really should have been more scared for my life because I have the stature of a stick, but I was having too much fun to care. (Death by fun, an awesome way to die... at least in my opinion).
Jason Mraz will probably be tamer because it's actually going to be in the theater... but that doesn't mean I'm sitting down. Oh no~ I'm going to be singing Remedy right along with him... even if my cousin did say that song was about constipation... -_-'