(no subject)

Aug 12, 2006 11:58

So ya, a few things have happened recently. I got a 500 Gig external hard drive, so my computer now has some space on it. Which is awesome. However, in order to let my new hard drive transfer at any kind of a good rate, I had to get a Firewire 400/USB 2.0 card, but I accidentally ordered 2...so if anyone needs a Firewire 400/USB 2.0 PCMCI card, I've got an extra:P.

I saw A Scannder Darkly, which was an awesome movie. It was Thursday, and I looked in the paper, and it was like OMG LAST DAY TO SEE THIS MOVIE EVER, so I went.

My car now runs, and it even stops, which is neat. It, however, is not inspected. I went to get it inspected yesterday, and the guy was like "hey, look at how fucked your catalytic converter is, and you see this rust on the subframe? that's not good", and so I called my brother, and was like "wtf mate?", and he says "that guy is a dickhead, I'm gonna be over there tomarrow, so I'll talk to them, if that doesn't work out, just go to Rod's, they'll put a sticker on it". So ya, I'll have an inspected car soon. Hopefully.

Unfortunately I don't think it'll be in time to get to Toronto, sorry Klaudia:(. Maybe during one of my vacations, if you have a vacation at the same time.

hmm...is there anything else?? I don't have to work anymore, which is AWESOME, and it means that people should come hang out with me this week!
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