Title: Rock That Body
Author: jAnon
Pairings: K/S
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: ~1300
Disclaimer: I have not profited monetarily from this venture, nor do I claim original ownership of the characters, setting, or song.
Summary: Kirk and Spock hip hop, set to "Rock that Body" by the Black Eyed Peas. Lyrics slightly modified.
Note: I saw
juneinblue 's
piece, listened to the song that inspired it, and spent the next few hours writing this. It's extremely experimental, to the extent that even I'm not sure if it makes sense. I watched
this, and
this video (and a few others) on youtube to get a sense of hip hop dance, but I don't actually know anything about it. This was sort of an attempt to capture K/S in dance... mostly just an attempt to capture dance in words. Feedback would be very much appreciated.
You should probably listen to the music while reading. It won't make any sense without it: youtube link provided
Rock That Body
- - - - - - - - - = = = = = = = ////
Bend fold arms close wrist tilt neck hold knee out in back turn twist hip shoulder roll
ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ ## ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ««ζ ##
Walk forward hands curl smooth flowing motion swirl and the beat in-soles hip hop jump let's go
I wanna rock right now - I wannaI wanna rock right now -
Step body joints and out - slide to theslide elbow wrist tilt bow
I wannaI wanna rock right now - now - now - Rock right now
Bring extend out knee control knee hitch - surge - hold - arms grace hold
I wannaI wanna rock right now - I wannaI wanna rock right now -
Tip flipto the sudden slow - trip dipto the floor up low
I wannaI wanna rock riiiight naɐooouw -
Pump pumpscrew hips stage griiiind pole
I wanna daƞI wanna dance in the lights
Shoulders and hipshoulders neck rock sway sex curve
I wanna rǭI wanna rōcƙ your bœdŷ
Twist and contort pure angle form line gravity
I wanna gȍI wanna ǥo for a rǐde
Shift weight rightleft small shrug lean back side to side
Hop in the mʊsiȼ aɲ rocɮ ʎour body rɩgɧt
Slant hips come here arms out hands slide down fuck me
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rock that body
Step out knees - to floor hands skim - touch and go
Rock your body
Tense loose foot roll
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rocʞ ¦ thȧȾ ¦ b°õ ¦ đy
Back arc snap - without and in - rotate slowly
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rock that body
Incline face - away whirl point - twist and turn
Rock your body
Fingers parallel
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rocʞ ¦ thȧȾ ¦ b°õ ¦ đy
Slow fast legs - arms spread collapse - hook right pump return
Let me see your body rɚcǩ
Bendknees and kickout arms up
Shakin it froϻ the bottom to toρ
Hold clench pose sweep out dropsweepdrop
Freak tϭ whaϮ the dJ drop
Diagonal outline stomp jump slide stop
We be the ones to make ȋt hot[To make it ḫot]
Arm scissor flow step toe step swap [bend kick hands top]
Electric shṍkϟ energy like a billion ʬatʈs
Jerkdriftturn pop drawmuscle rip swell balance slump
Spaʭe be bϙomiϗ the speakers poϸ
Chin tilt salute fistpump foot back
Galaҫtic combiא Mr. Spoҁk
Roll grace smooth motion rhythmic walk
We bump it in your pѧrking҅ lѻt
Angles knees elbows diamonds knots
When you comin up in the spot
Smooth coil arching kink screwthrowrithe
Dont bring nothin we call҆pinkdѳt
Power flex joints and ripplecrack
Cause we burniᶇ aroundᵺeclock
Push the limits splitsoutjumpback
Hit the lights anʣthen turᵰtheṃoff
Reverse straight spiral twitchease relax
If you bring thatḑont makᶕyouṧoft
Veer set pause buckle fallstretchslack
Like the jungle we runṫheḃlock
Up tip round foot shiverswingrock
No one rolliṉ the waᶌweᶉock[way we rock]
Top peak moment jump suspendtheclock [head nod start]
I-I-I-I-I wanna rock right now - I wannaI wanna rock right now -
Loo-o-o-o-osen neck side to side - smirk jagged time breakmoves dance control -
I wannaI wanna rock riiiight naɐooouw -
Grace fluid e-legant faaall recline
I wanna daƞI wanna dance in the light
Taut lengthen lie rise up stand drag strike unfold
I wanna rǭI wanna rōcƙ your bœdŷ
Bend instep reach retract reach pull kneel widen
I wanna gȍI wanna ǥo for a rǐde
Hip thrust hip in concave extend spread out
Hop in the mʊsiȼ aɲ rocɮ ʎour body rɩgɧt
Body absorb the music move change beat carry
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rock that body
Switch touch shock - jolt blow - shake lurch crashin
Rock that body
Spread low joltblow
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rocʞ ¦ thȧȾ ¦ b°õ ¦ đy
Circle ease in - and push and go - point crook roll wrap
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rock that body
Arms outstretched - precise on beat - idiosyncrasy
Rock your body
Breathe hip hop
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rocʞ rock ¦ thȧȾ that ¦ b°õ bϙ ¦ đy dÿ
Helix unwind - swivel grapevine - wrench [twist] swerve [step] yank [turn] warp [fold]
Super fſy ladiesąllōfmƛ super fļy ladieş
Moonwalk step back step pivotnod tripstep left walk left
Allōfmƛ super fļy ladieş allṍfmy super-fḸ super flϫ ladiḝs
Grindaheel hunch and split step stepturnround mixthe mix the step by step
Yeaḫ you cẵn be big bỡneԃ long as you feel like yoừṛ owṉ
Head rock to the beat feet criss cross back track concrete
You coʋlɖ be the Vulcan tỷҏe skinny witḧ no appetitḗ
Bodyshiftposefastswitchlive follow play perform a vibe
Shorʈ stack blacκorgreen long as you do whatϔouᶅϊke
Limbs forms intersect deconstruct rebuild remix
Body outta sight᷉body ¬body outta sigh᷁t
Throb and thrill the fight - ripple raise the stakes
Hedoesthe two step andthe tongue drop
Changestyleand synco-pate the movements
Hedoesthe cabbage patch andthe bus stop
Pushandpull pause do the robot
Helike electro he love hip hop[hip hop]
Leanback tothefloor tension in pose [repeat pose]
Helike the rᴂggae he feel the punk rock[punk rock]
Leanin knees collapsed lie dance from the floor [sick yo]
Helike samba ¨ and the mambo
Getback slowly excruciatingly
He liketª breakdance and calypso
Dance is gravity and agility
Geƭ ῞a῭liḽ craãzy geṱ a liᶅ stuüpið
Rip rapid dexterity draw out the tension
Geƭ῟a῎liḽ craãzy[craãzy craãzy]
Anticipation [show off show off]
I wanna daƞI wanna dance in the light(dance in the light)
Slow down remake reboot hip hop improvise (follow the lead)
I wanna rǭI wanna rōcƙ your bœdŷ(rōcƙ your bœdŷ)
Leg out compose move on keep trippin out tap (improve watch step back)
I wanna gȍI wanna ǥo for a rǐde(wanna ǥo for a rǐde)
Step side by side keep on until synchronized (almost synchronized)
Hop in the mʊsiȼ aɲ rocɮ ʎour body rɩgɧt
And both together fuckin rock this party
‡•‡′;¸ ﻱ ‡•‡ ﭛ
LΩve roc₭
Rock your body right
‡•‡′;¸ ﻱ ‡•‡ ﭛ
LΩve roc₭
Rock your body right
- - - - - - - - - Come on \ yeah - - - - - - - ξξξξ
Bend fold arms close wrist tilt neck hold walk forward hands curl smooth flowing motion swirl
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rock that body
Arms outstretched - precise on beat - idiosyncrasy
Come on \ yeah
Rock that body - come ȫȵ come ȫȵ - rocʞ rock ¦ thȧȾ that ¦ b°õ bϙ ¦ đy dÿ ⁞⁞⁞⁞
Step out knees - touch and go - wrench [twist] swerve [step] yank [turn] warp [fold]
Gᴑ««ṏ««ṍ««ṑ««◊-◊ ᶐ
Shoulders tilted exactly same
Nᴑ g۞««ṏ««ṑ««ṓ««◊-◊ ᶐ
Eyes agreed facing one way
Nᴑ g۞««ṏ««ṑ««ṓ««◊-◊ ᶐ
Sync step in step right left replay
Nᴑ g۞««ṏ««ṑ««ṓ««◊-◊ ᶐ
Kirk Spock hip hop bitch any day
‴I-I-I-I wannaI wanna rock right now
Tip flipto the sudden slow
ЊЏ ѩѽ Ѿ҉҈ ᴔᴝᴞ
I wannaI wanna rock[LΩve roc₭]
Trip dipto the floor up low
I wannaI wanna rock
Smirk jagged time breakmoves dance
Nᴑ g۞««ṏ««ṑ««ṓ««◊-◊ ᶐ
Shoulders tilted exactly same
I wannaI wanna rock[LΩve roc₭]
Slide elbow wrist tilt bow
I wannaI wanna rock
Pump pumpscrew hips stage slow grind
Nᴑ g۞««ṏ««ṑ««ṓ««◊-◊ ᶐ
Eyes agreed facing one way
Nᴑ g۞««ṏ««ṑ««ṓ««◊-◊ ᶐ
Sync step in step right left replay
I-I-I-I wannaI wanna rock right now - I wannaI wanna rock right now -
S-s-s-stutter stepskipand jump flip out - bring itbring it bitch it is on what now
I wannaI wanna rock right now - now - now - rock right now
Start witha start ona twist turn tilt - sharp - surge - angle lift
I wanna rock right now - I wannaI wanna rock right now -
Fuckin hi-tops and skinny jeans - hip hop and b-boys rockin the scene
I wannaI wanna rock riiiight naɐooouw -
(Piece ofcrackpiece ofcrack I dreamed gaawd-daɐɐɐmn)
high five