Title: Nothing
Author: jAnon
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1,018
Disclaimer: I have not profited monetarily from this venture, nor do I claim original ownership of the characters or setting.
Summary: Star Trek XI, Ayel. "growing up in a mining family is nothing."
Note: Nothing polished or pretty about this.
Nothing )
Comments 4
i'd not have seen this but for the link too busy self centered bitch that i am. can i say that yes, like this, i think i am. the secrets inside can reach display the mind.
fuck you to the critic who gets it not. i found myself deep in story only to explain >>> yes it is on fucking purpose that words are used as such.
I didn't want others to see.
(but posted it anyway)
Trying to make something from the nothingness
don't see
don't show
where and
when i am happy, i think of it as public masturbation where i also the voyeur and i don't where to get off or how.
i am sorry about the nothing. it is fresh for you and seems very hard as a thing. i had more to say, metaphorically. but metaphor can be the most painful of things.
i am sorry. would that i, could that i, i don't know.
maybe like you said, there is or can be love
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