
Apr 15, 2017 22:23

Hey, new mod here. Let's start a new post, shall we?

Let it go, let it go... )

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anonymous April 16 2017, 10:55:39 UTC
I'm starting to getting mad to those who are deleting their journals because of the new changes. It's not that big deal *eyeroll*


anonymous April 16 2017, 10:57:38 UTC
I'm the anon from above. I haven't been on LJ in more than a year which is why I'm deleting my journal. I don't know what new changes you mean.


anonymous April 16 2017, 13:23:53 UTC
It's not only you. A lot of makers are leaving LJ and backing up everything on DW. And it's starting to be annoying, tbh...
But anyway, I'm sad you're leaving :( The icon community hasn't been very active lately and every one of us is important.


anonymous April 16 2017, 18:59:25 UTC
It is sad.
It's unlikely that the icon community or fandom communities will be able to survive this splintering between LJ and DW

And it's also unlikely that anything will actually change on LJ with the new TOS. I doubt it says anything that other social media sites don't say as well.

If anything they are after the Russian political posts, not fandom or icon creators.


anonymous April 16 2017, 15:42:27 UTC
Same here, nonnie. I want to say that I understand... but I don't.

And I don't understand the "deleting out of protest" mindset either. The same way I get annoyed at "boycott this thing" campaigns.

About the activity, that's really sad. But I recently found this place and am a lurker, so it's definitely sadder for people who've been here the whole time.


anonymous April 16 2017, 15:56:29 UTC
Me too. I hate it when people delete their journals. I'm normally a very understanding person but it just feels so selfish of makers to just up and delete and I hate it :(

This community was my everything for a long time and this is a pretty permanent stand people are taking.


anonymous April 16 2017, 16:00:18 UTC
"it feels selfish" wow do you even hear yourself? No one is forced to share and to keep sharing their creations, what the hell kind of comment is this? If people want to delete over the new rules they should be able to do so without sanctimonious assholes telling them they're being selfish. I actually think protesting Russia in any way, shape, or form is the exact opposite of being selfish these days, given what is happening over there. But you guys keep being upset about 100x100 pictures disappearing from the Internet when there are people disappearing from the real fucking world just for being gay.


anonymous April 16 2017, 16:05:56 UTC
Oh lord have mercy, you're very upset. Deleting your journal and all its icons has zero effect on Russia. A protest that you only do to make yourself feel better that has zero effect at actually protesting IS selfish.

I'm all for protesting Russia and Chechnya, but let's not pretend that removing 100x100 square pixels from the Internet is doing that.


anonymous April 16 2017, 16:10:17 UTC
"a protest that you only do to make yourself feel better" lmao get out of here with that shit
Fyi I am not deleting anything but you don't fucking know what is going on in people's lives. Maybe their deleting their journal is only one part of what they're doing to protest Chechnya's policies. And maybe they're not even deleting because of the new rules and just want to leave behind this toxic hell hole where deciding you don't want to keep a presence online is seen as "selfish." Who knows? You definitely don't, though, so sit down and stop whining because people decide they don't want to give you access to their 100x100 images anymore.


anonymous April 16 2017, 16:14:42 UTC
Whatever dude. Still waaaaay too butthurt about some random person on the internets opinion.


anonymous April 16 2017, 17:25:42 UTC

so condescending


anonymous April 16 2017, 18:52:25 UTC
+1 I totally agree


anonymous April 16 2017, 16:58:17 UTC
> protesting Russia in any way, shape, or form is the exact opposite of being selfish these days

Thanks, nonny.


anonymous April 17 2017, 03:53:54 UTC
I have to agree with the other anon. I'm sure you don't mean it that way, but some people really feel very strongly about things like these and they want to take a stand. If they do, why are YOU being selfish yourself by judging them for their decision? Can you truly not place yourself in their shoes, even if you are not Russian, even if you have no friends in Russia ( ... )


anonymous April 16 2017, 16:47:43 UTC
Wel, it's not a big deal until you post an icon with a gay couple on it, or a link to a petition that can be considered "political" and they delete your post, or your whole journal.

And if you actually happen to live in Russia or the territories annexed/controlled by Russia (like Crimea or Abkhasia for example), you may simply end up in prison for those kinds of posts. :(


anonymous April 16 2017, 22:10:48 UTC
I make icons with gay characters or gay couples constantly and I've never had any problem.


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