inspired by the gif, is there anyone you hate (at lj, tumblr or rl), dislike strongly or avoid? did they do anything to you or? eveyrone isn't a valid answer.
Great question. There's no one I hate on LJ but there's someone I hate on Tumblr. I won't name them but basically I followed them once upon a time ago and then they said something about a fave of mine that offended me so I realized that it wasn't working out and unfollowed them. Then they harassed me sending me asks about why I unfollowed them and they started reblogging my gifs and graphics. Mind you this person never mutually followed me so it was really inconspicuous. *sarcasm* On top of that she's friends with all of my friends so I've grown bitter over her pas immaturity and how everyone seems to think her pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola. I can't seem to escape her.
Nah not really. I have a little under 2500 followers, I maybe gain 5 - 10 a day, I am followed by BNFs definitely, and in my main fandom my name and work gets around. But I don't think she thought of me in any certain way, I think she just threw a fit over losing a follower.
person a is well-known for having really gross opinions. person b starts wank purposely. person c freaks me out because i suspect they don't feel bad about doing fucked up things. person d said something along the lines of them being squicked out by heterosexual couples and then listed a bunch of m/m slash ships they supported and complained about females ruining their slash otps.
okay this is pretty ridiculous, but there was someone with a userpic that really freaked me out so i tried to stay away from their ~part of lj they changed their default recently tho so that's cool
online, not really. i have been unimpressed with a couple folks, some might border on the dislike strongly bit, but i don't go out of my way to avoid them, not really. i'm just "meh" when i see them around.
on lj there's a fairly well-known maker who likes to pretend they're very nice to everyone but really she acts condescending and then insults people behind their backs. once she decided to be ~nice~ to me. i try to avoid her, though it's impossible since her name and her icons keep popping up.
in rl i avoid so many people it's not even funny. looking forward to moving to another state not populated by a majority of homophobic bigots.
same.. this one semi-elite maker is a two-faced fake ass bitch who has always been rude and awful to me especially for no reason (since I've seriously never talked to her before it started) but also talks shit about other people behind their backs in personal ljs. :\
has the maker been around a long time or are they fairly new to the iconmaking community? is the maker your friend? if not, how do you know, they talk trash about people in their personal journal?
how do you know this person is insulting anyone behind closed doors? i doubt you're friends with them since you clearly dislike them. are you a friend of one of that maker's friends maybe? nosy nonny is nosy. obvs.
i'm friends with some people who have her as a friend. one of my friends told me she doesn't like this iconmaker either but she keeps her as a friend on lj so she can see the wank. so i haven't seen those private entries firsthand but i got enough copypasted snippets that i believe this person has insulted multiple people, not just me. hope this satisfies your curiosity, nonny.
There's no one I hate on LJ but there's someone I hate on Tumblr. I won't name them but basically I followed them once upon a time ago and then they said something about a fave of mine that offended me so I realized that it wasn't working out and unfollowed them. Then they harassed me sending me asks about why I unfollowed them and they started reblogging my gifs and graphics. Mind you this person never mutually followed me so it was really inconspicuous. *sarcasm*
On top of that she's friends with all of my friends so I've grown bitter over her pas immaturity and how everyone seems to think her pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola.
I can't seem to escape her.
I roll my eyes over people who go crazy over losing a follower. Are you a bnf or something, for her to care so much?
person a is well-known for having really gross opinions.
person b starts wank purposely.
person c freaks me out because i suspect they don't feel bad about doing fucked up things.
person d said something along the lines of them being squicked out by heterosexual couples and then listed a bunch of m/m slash ships they supported and complained about females ruining their slash otps.
they changed their default recently tho so that's cool
i'm wondering if this was me, because I had a really close-cropped icon before changing it two weeks ago
online, not really. i have been unimpressed with a couple folks, some might border on the dislike strongly bit, but i don't go out of my way to avoid them, not really. i'm just "meh" when i see them around.
in rl i avoid so many people it's not even funny. looking forward to moving to another state not populated by a majority of homophobic bigots.
i'm friends with some people who have her as a friend. one of my friends told me she doesn't like this iconmaker either but she keeps her as a friend on lj so she can see the wank. so i haven't seen those private entries firsthand but i got enough copypasted snippets that i believe this person has insulted multiple people, not just me. hope this satisfies your curiosity, nonny.
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