Another Saturday approaches, and I am trying to care.

May 21, 2010 17:48

Having now watched the Angels two-parter (and not being particularly impressed by either half), my Amy dislike is mounting, I'm not sure I know (or like) Eleven any better, and my only enduring recent thought about the show is that River Song needs a deep-conditioning treatment and a new stylist STAT. Jaysus.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I want to celebrate with a new episode of New Who that I actually like. I want to love Series 5, really I do, but I've spent most of the last few episodes alternating between serious eyerolling and yelling at the screen.

So, things get better this week? Can anyone on the UK schedule offer me any encouragement here? Please? (big eyes of begging commence) 

series five, whovian musings

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