Things from Twit Land

Jul 13, 2010 12:05

Here's what happened, and what didn't.

16:11 Photo: atomhjarta: This is the anthem of a generation. #

16:40 Pitchfork's Streaming Die Antwoord's First American EP Release "5" - yvynyl: I don’t understand this guilty... #

16:46 Oh, I must say "Fish Paste", on 5 (new Die Antewoord EP) is fucking awesome. #dieantewoord #

16:54 Who do you think you are impressing by apologizing for being into the things your are into? #IMLOOKINGATYOUNONOTYOUYOU #

17:00 Hmm. In my moment of righteous indignation, it appears my grammar went into the toilet. Ah well. #

02:00 Video: Are you mad yet? Because if you’re not, i don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you. Obama admin bans... #
Oh Boy oh boy!

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