Yeeehaa Here we go again.. and again.. and again

May 04, 2006 08:18

I know this is going to sound repetitive, but the cock-smokers in the office are giving me the shaft again. In the waning moments of an 9 hour shift, i receive a call from the office saying they need me to work from 1500-2300 today at a grocery store. Fine, sure whatever. Three problems here. 1) With turnaround time i will only get 4 hours of sleep. 2) This is yet another 16 hour shift on very little sleep. (See my last post in regards to a sleep deprived guy with a gun.) 3) and what I consiter the best is that this grocery store is in one of the worst ghetto areas of St. Pete. So, the office is sticking one uniformed white guy with a 6 shot .38 revolver in the middle of the area responsible for every riot or civil disturbance regarding race in St. Pete since I moved down here. At this time of night, I will probably be the only white guy for a mile in the midle of an extremely improvished area that averages 15 police respondig to violence calls a night. Just a fair heads up, if I don't post something by tommorow, assume I got my silly ass shot by some crack head who was jonsing for his fix and needed some quick cash. As the marines say, Welcome to the Suck. Imma go to sleep now. Peace all.
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