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Ryan! Stop Licking The Window! 1/4 cobrapandemic June 9 2011, 23:09:34 UTC
Hope this is what you wanted Anon!

Ryan would love to give you a comprehensive, well-thought-out, perceivable list of reasons why being a fox is better than being a human. He would really like to. But, as it is, he can't.

But, he can tell you why being a human fucking sucks.

Now don't get him wrong, being a human has it's perks. Opposable thumbs, freedom of speech, sex. But being human also comes with down sides, more so for Ryan than most anyone else. Human Ryan has to deal with writing stupid lyrics and dealing with stupid interviewers that ask stupid questions. Not to mention the fans. Oh dear baby fucking Jesus, the fans. If being a fox for ninety percent of his day means he won't be trampled every time he walks out of his front door, then so fucking be it.

In fact, Ryan hasn't been trampled by girls screaming “Rydon!!!” or “Spyro!” in almost seven and a half glorious months. Seven and a half glorious, peaceful months.

Quite frankly, Ryan doesn't give a shit if Spencer hates it or not.

“Ryan, seriously, can't you stay human for like...a fucking day? Jesus Christ.” Spencer has his hip cocked to the side as the guys sit in the parking lot of a truck stop. Warped is Ryan's favorite tour to do. Only down side is the heat. It gets hotter than Satan in a sauna on the sun. Ryan can't stand it.

Ryan makes a motion with his fluffy white tail in Spencer's general direction. Even this tiny action screams monotonous indifference. Brendon chuckles and reaches up to pet the ball of orange and white fur curled around his shoulders like a scarf.

“Leave him alone, Spence. Would you rather have human Ryan here being all....Ryan-like. Or this little guy-” Brendon strokes Ryan's tail earning him a wet lick across the cheek. “-that just chills and shit?”

Spencer opens his mouth to say something but shuts it sharply, standing up. “I'm gonna go find Jon.” He says and stalks off muttering something about fleas and rabies.

Brendon doesn't say a word when Ryan hops from his shoulder and scampers after Spencer. He also doesn't laugh at Spencer's girly scream when Ryan hops onto his back and gnaws at his hair.


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