Good Omens | Crowley/Aziraphale | 3200 words | beta'd by
simple__man. Originally posted 07/07.
Written for
penllyne, for the
multifandom challenge.
Prompt given was "The only thing that Will Save The World, according to Crowley, involves Aziraphale and a hell of a lot of gold liquid lame and jingly music." Check tags for warnings. Thanks to
simple__man for the beta.
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Comments 13
First off, love the footnotes. It added to the whole GO-vibe. I actually LOL-ed when you mentioned Crowley's real reason for hating the 14th century.
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents. - Shout out to Terry Pratchett I see. :)
This was, in fact, not true. Neither Crowley nor Aziraphale wanted anything but to go home. It could be argued, however, that this, too, was a part of the Iraqi experience, and so the point was moot. - Very Logical. I like. <3
"I don't think we're quite ready for a puppy just yet." And Crowley was just about to demand what he meant by that, - I just let my mind melt at that thought <33333
Well, Evans, bless my buttonhole, - HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!! I read it as butthole for the longest time.
I adored the ending. Overall I think you captured their relationship artfully - very tasteful. :)
Shout out to Terry Pratchett I see. :)
You got it in one! *laughs* PTerry and GNeil are both amazing to me; I've read nearly all their oeuvre, respectively. Glad that someone else got the joke. ;D
I read it as butthole for the longest time.
LMFAO. XDDD Now that would require a very different sort of fic, wouldn't it? *waggles eyebrows*
Thank you so much for all these reviews, bb-I'm honestly blown off my feet, and it's amazing of you. ♥ ♥ ♥ Glad you like!
I only know of it coz my dear friend adores Pratchett and Gaiman.
Now that would require a very different sort of fic, wouldn't it? Yes it would, but you already know I'm not averse to the idea. xD
I do try. :P But I'm running out of fandoms. (a hint for you to pump out more? mmm maybe *innocent look*)
I'm off to try your axel/roxas now. lalalalala~~
a hint for you to pump out more? mmm maybe *innocent look*
Oh, mon amie, I am working on it! ;D In lieu of certain academic activities which I should be doing, I might add... I'm thinking of opening a commentfic meme soon, so who knows, you'll be able to prompt me for any of our shared fandoms. ♥
(Still sorry about your rocks, though.)
also. i loved the footnotes. this is all so WIN.
go you.
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