good omens | genesis 28:10-22

Nov 02, 2007 13:00

Good Omens | Crowley/Aziraphale | 400 words | unbeta'd. Originally posted 07/07.

Taken from and inspired by Genesis 28, KJV, which you can read here.

Genesis 28:10-22

10 And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.

11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all
night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of
that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that
place to sleep;

12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth,
and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of
God ascending and descending on it;

13 And, behold, an angel of the LORD stood atop the ladder,
and lo, he was indignant with righteous fury; and behold, an
angel of the LORD stood at the bottom of the ladder, and lo,
he looked a right mess.

14 And the angel above spake unto the angel below, saying,
Honestly; what were you thinking, barging in here like nobody's

15 And the angel below replied, saying, Look; I missed you, okay,
is that such a crime?

16 And the angel above looked put-upon, yea, and verily did he
frown; he said, Crowley, this is the realm of the LORD, you can't
just nip in for a spell;

17 And, behold, there was a mighty smell of brimstone and
sulphur, and the angel below looked verily disgruntled; he spake
to the angel above, saying, This is because I'm a demon, isn't
it; you have no problem hanging around with me on Earth but in
front of the big boss, oh no, I'm just not good enough, is that it;

18 And the angel above flapped his wings in agitation, and lo,
there was a mighty gust, and he spake hurriedly, with the speed
of the LORD, saying, Oh; come on, Crowley, it's not like that; and,
Verily, you know that I value your company; and, It's only a
mandatory employee debriefing, I'll be back down before you
know it;

19 And the angel below subsided, and lo, there was no more
brimstone and sulphur, and all was well in the eyes of the
LORD, and behold, he said, Well; all right, sorry about
following you into the realm of the LORD like that;

20 And the angel above looked contrite, yea, and he said, Don't
worry about it, dear; and the angel below smiled and said,
Goodbye for now, angel;

21 And behold, the two angels vanished in the darkness, and
verily did the ladder, yea;

22 And Jacob rubbed his eyes, rolled over on his rock, and verily,
went back to sleep.

All characters © their respective owners; I claim no right nor profit.

type: slash, kink: none, pairing: crowley/aziraphale, rating: mild, fandom: good omens

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