Nov 13, 2013 23:55
Today. Wow. How about that?
I'm more happy to reach this birthday than I'd have thought I'd be a year ago. Not that I was dreading it, but what I've been through in the past year has given me a special appreciation for having made it to this day.
I didn't do that much different today--got out earlier than usual to cash in a rain check (99¢ for a 1-lb package of organic carrots; I bought 2) at the local supermarket, came home & checked my email to find I've been invited to begin training for an in-house freelance job I tested/interviewed for last week, got small checks in the mail from a past freelance job & a cousin who sent one in a birthday card, got calls from my brothers & a long-time friend in DC, ran into neighbors at various times (& when some of them asked how I was, answered "60"), bought an organic fair trade chocolate brownie for a birthday treat, & generally took it a little easier than I would've otherwise. I'll heat & eat the brownie in a few minutes...& maybe get to bed slightly earlier than usual.
It's kinda strange to realize I'm 60. But I suppose I'll get used to it.