Fannish Excitement

Jan 28, 2013 21:33

I haven't posted forever and ever, and so much has gone on that if I don't give myself a clean slate, I'll never post again, and that would be terrible!  (Uh, nice sentence, Emily).

So I'm stealing this meme from the lovely osprey_archer because it looks like all kinds of fun.  Also because babbling on about fandoms is pretty much all I've been doing recently so!

Pick one of my fandoms and i will tell you:
1. my favourite character and how i FEEEEL about them:
2. the character i never expected to love this much:
3. the character everyone else loves that i don't:
4. the character i love that no one else does:
5. my absolute most favourite pairing EVER:
6. the immensely popular pairing that i just don't get/like:
7. the pairing i didn't even think of at first but have been convinced of (and how):
8. my favourite non-romantic (/non-sexual) pairing/relationship is:
9. the character i am most like is:
10. the one thing i really really really really wish would happen (or had happened) in canon is:
11. a random au idea i'd love to see in fic (and plan to write? wish someone else would write?):
12: my personal headcanon includes:
13: my deep, dark fandom secret is:
and because thirteen could be an unlucky number to end on...
14: i am actually secretly the creator of this fandom! mwahahaha! and i am about to tell you something shocking/ awesome/ baffling/ behind-the-scenes-ish /unbelievable /spoilery /insert-adjective-of-choice-here:


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