So according to
thebratqueen , today is the First Annual Day of Listening. And, you know, I like to listen, and I love to read stuff about you guys so I want to continue the listening and "listen" to you!
Below are some questions that I'd love to hear the answers to - either in the comments or in your own posts - , and I will be adding a post (probably
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* When and where were you born?
1976, Osnabrueck, Germany, but I moved to Berlin before my first birthday
* Where did you grow up?
Berlin, in several different houses/apartments
* What was it like?
Wonderful. I have no complaints about my childhood, and even my teenager years were pretty good, looking at it in retrospect. I had just the right surroundings and family life for each part of growing up.
* Who were your parents?
my parents? :)
* What were your parents like?
The best. Neither one of them was perfect, but they loved me, and my Mum did a great job dealing with the crazy my crazy teenage years (even though I often didn't appreciate it at the time). My father was the most imaginative and smart guy as a father, even though he was rather conservative and a little anti-social as a person.
* How was your relationship with your parents?
Perfect as a child, a little rockier as a teenager, but they always gave me enough space and I always loved them enough to not go over the top ;)
* Did you get into trouble? What was the worst thing you did?
I did, in big and small ones (as a kid, my best friend's mother actually told my Mum she should take me to a Psychologist ^_^) The biggest one was probably dropping out of school.
* Do you have any siblings? What were they like growing up?
I was an only child until I turned 10, so when my two little brothers showed up it actually was nice for me. Later, when I was a little older it became natural to take care of them (taking them to school etc). They were always stubborn and fighting with each other all the time, but I couldn't imagine how my teenage years would've been without them.
* What did you look like?
I was a little geeky, I guess... trying to be all hip and "in", but that didn't usually work too well. I was cuter as a child than as a teenager (then again, isn't everyone? ^_^)
* How would you describe yourself as a child? Were you happy?
Yes. I was happy, I had few worries, and enjoyed everything around me. Later (I divide my childhood between "before 10" and "after 10" years) things became a little more awkward (at school etc.), but with my best friend and discovering the fun of fandom (not knowing what it was at the time of course) made everything mostly ok.
* What is your best memory of childhood? Worst?
It's hard to remember specific moments...
* Did you have a nickname? How’d you get it?
Well my father used to call me Julchen... not sure if that counts as a nickname. And I always just had it.
* Who were your best friends? What were they like?
My best friend until I started school was a girl a year younger than me and we always did all kinds of crazy, imaginative things :) From 5th grade my best friend was an extroverted, also really crazy and fun-loving girl, and that lasted for a long time too.
* How would you describe a perfect day when you were young?
Having Sunday breakfast with my parents, playing outside in our big backyard, maybe visiting some neighbor kids for lunch, in the afternoon taking a walk on the old train tracks with my Mum or a bike ride with my father, and then having tea and cake when we get home.
* What did you think your life would be like when you were older?
I don't remember... but I sure didn't expect it to be the way it is now ;)
* Do you have any favorite stories from your childhood?
Not sure if I have a favorite, but there's lots of crazy ones ;)
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