Mmmm, meme taim nau

Jun 20, 2007 20:30

Stolen from
rabid_bunny for I am le bored and le convincing myself that I do not need to turn on the oven to make dinner.

01. Comment with a request to see absolutely anything on my desktop, music, pictures folders, Gmail, site I'm on right now, favorite manga, favorite image folder. MAKE SHIT UP. It can be anything.
02. I will respond with a screenshot of the very thing you requested.

Or conversely, ask me to take a picture of my surroundings - apartment, somewhere in my city, whatever, and I shall post happily.  For I am a camera geek and proud of it.

Please, entertain me now.

*waits for dancing*

*or at least manymany requests*

memes, picspam, camera geek

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