which way?

Oct 21, 2007 21:23

I have to drop German, much as I want to learn that language. Probably wouldn't be a good idea to register for GER 102 next sem... I guess I'll start over again next year?

Interpersonal Communication - professor is flaky, tough to judge what the tests will be like. The texts we're assigned don't get discussed in class at all. The material we're presented in class sounds pretty dubious, and isn't backed up by anything we can consult, just his word. He's a bad communicator too, not a good thing for a COM professor. Promises to reply to e-mails, then doesn't. Failed to let us know he was looking into changing the room, failed to tell the department secretary he needed a room close to his parking lot because of a leg injury, then when the class was left w/o a room he blamed the secretary. Hmm.

Theorists & Theorizing. I don't understand much of Henri Bergson from the two texts of his we read. I can follow a paper the professor wrote based on some of Bergson's ideas, though. The class will probably get better as the next two texts are on cinema and we'll be watching some movies. But I have more absences now than the syllabus allows and I'm late with the 1st of two papers, and I don't believe he accepts them late.

Disabilities Resources Center might be able to help me get some flexibility about absences and due dates, but no telling how happy my professors would be about that. And I feel nervous about using my depression as an excuse, but at the same time, I know how I am right now doesn't reflect my best or my capabilities.

Started on Seroquel in addition to Cymbalta. Can go up on both. Not sure how long until I know if it's helping or not. Usually 2-3 weeks I think? My PA has me meeting with him again this week, though, to see how I'm doing. He had a patient commit suicide less than three weeks ago. I've felt worse than I feel now, so he needn't be that worried.

There doesn't seem to be much else I can be doing to try to feel better or make things work, beyond dragging myself to the gym much more often.
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