Mar 13, 2007 08:23
wake up this morning at 4:30am in my usual zombied-stupor... start making my way around the house when i notice, all-too-quickly, i don't hear any cats begging me for food.
i head into the kitchen to find the window still open... i approach it to put my hand towards the screen, only to find that no invisible mesh-pattern stopped my hand.
my cats were gone. both of them.
i quickly throw on something warm and grab a flashlight and head out back behind our place (a long walkway that gets shared between 3 units). as soon as i hit the lights in the back, i see one dark figure make a run for it: I can only assume it's Pretty Boy. as i head towards his exit, i see another set of eyes reflected in my light (remember... it's near 5am (which is essentially 4am since we're barely past the daylight savings)... still insanely dark out.
i slowly approach the other cat and try to grab her. as always, she lets me get about 2 feet before she up & runs. frustrated, i pursue.
sounds like she's hiding in the side garden... which is just mere feet from the street. now i'm starting to get nervous. i decide to at least try to swoop up Pretty Boy, who's far-more domesticated -- he's crouching near the front door. --figuring he wants inside, i approach him semi-casually, he tries to run -- but at this point he's no match for my lightning-fast reflexes: I snag him by the tail and he quickly gives up. throw his ass in the house, and move out for the next mission.
i decide to involve the lady at this point.
i head back outside and immediately hear Nilla moving around closeby (those bells are NEVER coming off... she's WAY TOO STEALTH). i swear she's under my neighbors truck, but i see nothing under there. after a bit more looking, we decide she might be under the house. those are pretty tight quarters -- i certainly am NOT up for crawling in a tightly claustrophobic space filled with god-knows-what. I'm more into the idea of setting up a cat-trap near the opening to the underbelly of our place.
back out front again... i swear i heard bells under the truck. finally -- bre takes a look at the undercarriage. bingo. she's tucked away under the truck to the point of being practically inaccessible. quickly, i decide it'd be a good idea to stand out near the street in case the cat should come bolting out from under the truck ... seconds later, there she goes. i block her path so she heads back to behind the triplex... where does she head? right under the house... but she barely goes in and we're able to snatch her before she trys to run any further.
goddamned cats.