Nov 19, 2011 09:24
I was never one of those people that ignored an issue (especially a moral one) on account that being faced with it "offends my sensibilities" but lately it has been very difficult. There has been alot of exposure concerning crimes against children and babies and its something that even though I have very strong feelings about it, those strong feelings cannot overcome my revulsion when it comes to reading/seeing it.
What brings this on; in the recent days there have been alot of news articles about infant/child death and abuse.Just this week there was one about a Galgary woman who abandoned her newborn in a garbage bag, in the garbage bin of her building. Thankfully passers by (including the father, who didnt even know his gf was pregnant, seriously wtf) heard the baby crying and he was rescued and his now fine but in foster care... The other artical was about a mother going after the government because she claims that something could have been done to prevent her ex-husband from killing their autistic boy (and then himself). And this morning, (the final straw per say) some one on my facebook posted a very gruesome picture of a dead new born floating in water..... no warning no nothing... I'm sure it was about something worthwhile, related to one of the many natural dissasters going on right now but I just couldnt do it. I averted my eyes and scrolled by as fast as I could. I hate doing that. Burrying my head in the sand because everytime I see a dead baby, it makes me think of my babies and its just to much to deal with. It makes my feel like a coward.
Those things have always been around but with globalization came exposure to great and worst our species has to offer. Here's one thing that really picks my butt. The mom that threw away her baby, i'm guessing she didnt beleive in abortion.After all, they're free here in Canada so whats the excuse? There is a huge problem in North America where mothers murder (cause if you abandon your baby to die in a trashcan you're a murderer) their new borns because getting an abortion is wrong... WTF! Terminating a few cells (that arent even a fetus yet) is wrong but leaving a baby that you've grown inside you for 40 weeks, gone through the pain of birthing it, and seeing it look at you and breath, to die, thats ok? What the hell is wrong with those people! All those "pro-life" nuts are hypocrites, I dont see any of them stepping up to take care of all the babies that cant be taken care of... I mean there's actually a private school in Alberta thats not only authorized its student to partake in anti-abortion protests in front of clinics (during school hours) but that actually gives them community/work experience credit for it!
Issues like this have always made me angry but since having children of my own I find difficult to face those things.I wish more was being done to actually keep these thing from happening. There are so many organizations that protect animals (not that animal cruelty isnt important) but those people get so much more attention and get so much more done for their cause then the ones who protect children.Its sad.
Blah, I've gone from angry to depressed. I dont really know where this was going but I'm done.For now.