What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I started working out again this morning. for what I can do without any equipment anyway.
I was reading up on another on-line game I was interested in playing and I felt lazy just reading about it. no offense to those that play, but I got way too wrapped up in one a while back and ruined a lot of things. I eventually got over it an never looked back and have since though of playing another less distracting game. I don't believe I'll be doing that anytime soon.
also I believe I have decided to play BASS instead of guitar now(I'd really like to play drums but I have neither the finances or the space to play. as well, I believe, the coordination to play them). Bass seems to suit me better for my style and abilities. that and bassists and drummers are in high demand. EVERYONE wants to be the guitar hero or the lead singer all the groupies fawn over. I don't mind groupies, don't get me wrong; however, I would rather just play and contribute than get attention.
I suck , but I'm working on it...anyone need a bassist? hahah
life is good right now: I have a savings plan in action, I have started working out again, concentrating more on the things that matter and letting less distractions get to me. Decided on what music I believe I want to play, my book is coming along well though I have yet to start writing it. I have come along with ANOTHER plot and I am trying to incorporate new things and I want to get it set before I start writing a draft. I have been reading quite a bit to learn new things and new styles of writing. And I believe I want to go back to MCC in the fall and take a few courses for writing and maybe some other things and see how it goes.
I hope everyone else is doing well. have a good one all and...
"Keep on Rockin' in the Free World!..."