Sep 06, 2005 17:31
For those of you that don't know.
Yesterday, Jacob, Chance and I climbed Pinnacle. On the way down I took a bad slip, rolled about fifteen feet, fell about ten feet (straight down) and landed on my back on a particularly pointy rock. It was so bad that Chance's first thought (according to him) was "My friend just died."
If I was religious, I'd call it a miracle, and I've got about a dozed pulled/twisted/strained muscles, some weird stress-thing in my back that I don't remember the name of, and about a gazillion scratches and cuts, but nothing's broken. Or fractured. Or anything else that might be a lasting problem.
Unfortunatly, the doctor says it's going to get worse (pain-wise) before it gets better, but it should be all good in a week or so.
Mad props to Jacob and Chance.
I've gotta stop doing shit that gets me almost dead. For serious this time.
EDIT: And I'm on a considerable amount of painkillers. Hopefully I'll be back at school on Thursday, but right now standing up almost makes me break into a sweat. And if there's one thing I don't want, it's to have to struggle to stand up or sit down infront of a group of my peers. Eeeeeemmbarrasing. And painful. Painfully embarrasing, even.