Senza Te...

Apr 07, 2005 00:01

God, I didn't know it was going to be so hard to be away from Patrick. I didn't know how much could I miss him. I don't want to go on like this my life is so empty now that he is not here. And knowing that he doesn't want me makes me so sad... he says he likes me but if he did I don't know maybe we could work things out. I do want to, I am really looking forward to give us another chance to begin things from zero and to start something new. I sent him an e-mail telling him that that for him I'd do it. I'll give him time for himself, I'll stop being so intense and annoying maybe with my non-stopping calls and my "meloseria", which I tho' was good. I don't know what to do now... I just want him back, I do. :(Baby, please:(Won't you come back to me?

To my dear friend 'Namec'
A el noi aquest de 'Namec'
Apa fill de puta! Qu'és que vols? Deixa al meu nen que ell nomes es meu. Deixa de joder-li'l la puta vida i deixa'l en pau! Qu'és que no saps llegir? Noi, si em torno a enterar de que el estas escriuen al meu nen que em els vas a pagar eh! Qu'et donen pel cul! FILL DE LA TEVA MARE.
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