- Comp Sci Midterm next Friday
- Algebra Midterm next Tuesday
- Physics Problem set due next Wednesday
- Physics Pre-lab questions due next Wednesday
- Analysis assignment due next Thursday
- Philosophy Paper due next Wednesday
- Study for Physics, Philosophy and Analysis*
I believe that is everything on my agenda. Anymore and I am going to swift kick the next person I see. Anyways, right now I'm working on the Analysis and Algebra assignments due tomorrow. I've already finished the Code-labs for Comp Sci(something I usually leave till the weekend). My goal tonight is to try my best to finish both math assignments today. I definitely have to finish the Analysis one, because that's due first thing in the morning tomorrow. I have a few hours for my Algebra assignment, if I still need it(which I probably will).
I plan on finishing the pre-lab and the philosophy paper before the weekend. I'm going to start my problem set on Friday, and give myself till Monday the latest to finish it. Then, my weekend will be devoted to studying for Algebra(which I really need to, because I'm failing this course) and for Comp Sci. Depending on how efficient I am at studying during the weekend, I'm also going to review over my other subjects, though this is tentative. I'd say my main focus for reviewing would be Physics and Analysis, because their midterms are coming up soon.
Boring post is boring. But I needed a place to write down my homework+my strategy, and my agenda just didn't seem to be the place for it.
PS Wondering how much of my time I will spend at libraries vs home. I notice that wherever I study/do homework, time simply flies by, which sucks.