I'm fangirling over the final episode of BSG's third season. Gosh, that was so good. The final fifteen minutes or so were phenomenal. The incorporation of "All Along the Watchtower" was perfect and really set the mood for the two big reveals.
I adore Lee and think he's wonderful. OMG - cylons revealed! Oh, there's Starbuck again. I might have been a little happy she was dead. My sympathies for her to do not run deep. I will concede that her coming in at the end there was very dramatic and made me want to watch the next episode this very second.
On a rather sad side-note... Jason was my favorite person to watch thought-provoking movies and television programs with because he and I were so good at discussing what happened and weighing the merits of the program. He's never seen BSG, but I know he'd love it. I wish I had been able to share it with him so badly. I can just hear him in my head talking about this last episode. Sometimes I feel like he's dead. Doesn't really make it any easier, though.
And thinking about that just makes me consider my standards in men. I've been thinking about that a great deal lately. Tom was... well, he was an aborted relationship that never really happened. But he never met the standards I have--what I look for or need in a partner. My requirements are so strict that I wonder if I'll ever mind someone who satisfies them. And then I wonder if I institute such strict standards because I want to save myself the trouble of trying again.
How did I get from OMG-BSG-is-so-totally-amazing to this? Weird.