I haz birds! I put the feeder out yesterday evening, and when I came home for lunch today there were five very pretty little
House Finches on it. They all were sporting a bit of red, so I can only assume they were all fellows.
So, I've noticed this odd pattern and I'm not sure what is causing it. I eat the same things each week. Monday night I have brown rice with veggies. Tuesday night I have veggie soup and salad. Wednesday night I have a couple slices of pizza and salad. I work out after I eat by either taking Ferguson out for a walk/jog or jogging on the treadmill. I've noticed that on the nights I eat pizza, I feel weak and wobbly after traveling about a mile and a half. I feel great starting out, and the first half of my walk/jog is the hardest because it is all uphill. However, at the halfway point, I start feeling exhausted and weak. This never happens on any other day. But it almost always happens on pizza night. So, is my body telling me that soup, salad, veggies, brown rice, and even tofu hot dogs are yummy and nutritious, but pizza sucks? I think I might have to modify my menu on Wednesday to something a bit better for me to prevent my body from crashing while I'm a mile and a half away from home. And the wind didn't improve my mood today. It's blowing steady at 30 MPH, but the gusts are up to 45 MPH. And in an arid climate like this, you just end up with a bunch of dust in your mouth when you go outside during evil!wind time. Sucks.
When I'm bored, I love to browse YouTube and find people who cover popular songs or write their own music. Olivia Thai is a favorite of mine. I love the tone of her voice, and she's so adorable. You can hear her singing her cover of Soulja Boy Tell'em's "Kiss Me Through the Phone"
right here. Jason Chen appears in a couple of Olivia's videos and you can see him solo singing Coldplay's "Viva La Vida"
over here. C-Note has been a busy boy, and I think he's making strides toward getting a record deal.
Here is where he covers Lyfe Jennings's "Never Never Land". Ernie Halter is wonderful, too. You can hear him sing Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River"
right here. And my most favorite of favorites: David Choi. He's notorious for covering hip-hop and R&B songs and turning into acoustic guitar songs. Like
his cover of The Dream's "Shawty is a Ten"