I should be working, but you know how that goes...
Martina Topley-Bird is on rotation in my CD player. I love her. I've uploaded four songs of hers for your downloading pleasure. I'm in a Snape/Hermione mood, so I've connected the songs to that 'ship in my mind, but they're enjoyable even if that squicks you. Promise. Plus, her album is called Quixotic. How can you deny an album title like that?
Anything || No doubt you're gonna be thinking I'll run out. That's where you're so mistaken.
Ragga || Wrap my tongue around. You get to be the clown. I come like underground and make you feel older.
Ilya || Cut you in half, see how you feel without. I want you to live, but you don't know how.
Sandpaper Kisses || It all leads to this: You're gonna leave her. You have deceived her. Just a girl.