I have this addiction to buying books. I can't stop myself. I'm sick. I need some sort of self-help, support program. Borders took thirty bucks out of my wallet at lunch today. What's up with paperback novels being priced at $7.99? Surely they should be less than that.
I'm still in character-love with Jarlaxle. Why doesn't my copy of Servant of the Shard have a cover that looks like
THIS. 'Cause Jarlaxle (left) and Entreri (bottom, center) are looking pretty hot. There is so much potential for slash there. Crazy potential. Entreri's having a mid-life crisis, and Jarlaxle comforts with wild, monkey sex.
The boss gave me over $150 in cash today just because. The company had sold some excess steel, and the money had been sitting in the petty cash box for nearly a year. She divided it up between the three gals in the office. It will pay for my evil! application fee to the Dept. of Public Safety later this week.
Speak of which... I'm still eying the
subcompact Glock. It's loverly and small enough to easily conceal. The fellow at the counter was making pouty faces at it because the grip isn't large enough to be comfortable for a man, but I think it would fit my hand nicely. I'm really attracted to their look and feel, plus they are oh-so-easy to break down and clean. And that's to say nothing of the insane quality behind the Glock name. The downside? It's over $500. I can afford it, but still... Sheesh. The Bersa was only $300. I think the fellows at Calibers like to do circle jerks over the Glocks, though. When I ask about one they get this glazed, lusty look in their eyes. Jason and I are going gun shopping on Friday and Saturday so I can narrow it down to two or three. Then I'm going to return to my Glock-lovers at Calibers and ask them to let me shoot the subcompact so I can get a feel for it. I'm definitely leaning that way, but I want to make sure I'm not passing over something I'd like better.
I renewed my drivers license yesterday. My time at the MVD was surprisingly pleasant. They've actually become efficient. I was in and out within thirty minutes.
Jason has been wrangled into going to see The Order of the Phoenix with me in a little over two weeks. I bought our tickets online for the late night showing on Saturday, the 14th. I'm not going to be a total dork and wear something ridiculous, but I do plan on stirring up some controversy with my "I Trust Snape" shirt. Perhaps I should wear the shirt that says, "Free Lucius." ;-)