The show last night (Animal Collective) was pretty blah. They just used a bunch of loops and electronic crap instead of actual instruments, which was surprising, because they use instruments on all of their albums. The bulk of the show was new stuff from two yet to be released albums. I enjoyed the first two songs, but then I lost the vibe. It was just too bass-y to be enjoyed. Despite it being one of Jason's favorite bands, he was disappointed. We left the crowd and stood in the back by the bar for the second half of the show. Jim's (Jason's friend) girlfriend was there, and I think she's pretty awesome. She loves Animal Collective more than Jason, and she was really bummed that they were being incredibly self-indulgent about the entire concert. So, we spent some time chatting by the bar until they finished their set. Joe (Jason's fellow DJ) was outside harassing people when we arrived. I think he had already had a few drinks before we got there at 9:00 because he threw his arms around me and gave me a hug when he saw us by the door. I don't know him incredibly well, so I wasn't exactly expecting a sweaty hug. I really like Joe, and I'm glad to see that he seems to be better than he was a year ago when he was nearly suicidal over his girlfriend leaving him. Anyway, it was nice to see some familiar faces out and about, but the music itself wasn't so hot.
Jason caved and got two dwarf hamsters. We bought all the accessories for them today when we were at PetSmart. Ferguson wants to eat them. Jason is in love with them. All in all, they're adorable and so friendly. I just can't get them to stay still long enough for a proper picture. The pictures I did snap are behind the cut.
They are on the bar between the living room and the kitchen.
I can't get them to get out of the wheel. We brought them home around noon, and they've been running in the wheel for about four hours.