Procrastinating is key!

Feb 09, 2006 14:06

I got off work at 1:30 and told myself that I would come back to my room and work on homework until I have to work at 3:30. Ha! Maybe I'll get around to it.

I'm still really enjoying my classes. Journalism is fun, though we haven't done too much yet. Ha, remember how I told you guys my prof thought I had gotten news from an "unreliable" source when I told him about the new controversy concerning Bush and Blair's meeting months prior to the war on Iraq, in which Bush said he wanted to paint a US plane in the colors of the UN, fly that over Iraq and lure Iraq to shoot it down, thereby using it as an excuse to go to war. Well I e-mailed my prof. the articles from BBC News and The Christian Science Monitor, both excellent papers. In class yesterday, while we were discussing current events, he said in front of the class while pointing at me, "I've been following that story you mentioned about Bush and Blair. Fascinating stuff!" HA! So that felt great. If you want to read the stories, they can be found here:

So the housing woes have continued. Apparently this girl Jane on my floor also thought she had a spot to live with Katie and Holly. Well Holly put an end to that Tuesday night and told Jane her and Katie were going to look for other people to live with. Jane, devestated, cried for half an hour. Poor girl. What ruthless jerks. If you weren't sure you wanted to live with us, you shouldn't have told us in the first place!! Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Kristi, why don't you and Jane live together? Yes, that is possible, but Jane and I are very different people and I just don't think we'd get along that well. I don't know. Things are really tense on our floor now. Because of all this and because Schip (our RA) and Baker pulled a prank on some of the girls that went to supper later than us yesterday. It was just a prank out of fun, I'm sure. But they took all of their underwear and put it out on the sundeck in bags. Let's hope my floor can get over this and soon.

My German class is kicking my butt. 30 pages of straight up German text to be read every two days. It might be better if our professor provided us with vocab or at least chapter summaries. This is so bloody hard. Do you know how long it takes to read that much? Probably a good 4-5 hours, and I probably won't even comprehend the whole bloody thing! I'm afraid I'm in over my head.

Last night I was lying in bed and thinking about all that has happened with Josh. And it was kind of frustrating because the days were blurring together and I couldn't remember when things happened exactly. But I'll try and figure it all out now. It'll make me feel better too.
So after the whole me telling Josh last Tuesday I was disappointed we didn't hang out over interim break and him saying he was sorry and that he had forgot, we didn't really get a chance to see each other and talk until this Monday.
I was walking to the library doors that open on the 3rd floor and Josh was coming back from the bathroom in the library lobby. He waved to me and continued to walk to the library doors, not aware that I was heading there myself. I followed him in there and I saw him putting on his wonderful cordoroy jacket over his dress shirt. Josh saw me walking towards him and started walking up to me. We said hi, and expressed some nicecities (sp?). But I was feeling like shit, as I had had a terrible day and that was the morning Katie had told me I wouldn't be living with her next year. So I told Josh I had to go to work and walked on. Later in the evening he came into the library after work and I was still sitting at the desk, working. And he came up and the talk we had was great! Very relaxed and we even joked around with each other a bit. Psh, him saying my job is pointless! I got back at him for that one. And it was sweet, when I told him it had been my birthday on Sunday, he said "Happy Birthday!". I said thank you and he gave me this adorably cute smile. Wow. Then he left to go do his homework at a desk on the main floor. When I got off work, I went up to the 3rd floor to study with my friends. Later I went back downstairs to print off an article for my Inter. Pol. class and it had some really funny quotes by Dan Rather in it. So I went over to Josh and we laughed at them together. In another part of the article it listed security fences in countries around the world. There was one listed between Morocco and Western Sahara. Josh and I doubted whether W. Sahara was really a country. So when I went back up to the 3rd floor I looked it up on CIA Worldbook, and it is, well it's sovereignty is contested. So I e-mailed Josh the link. And then I left to go to a meeting. According to Annie, Josh came up to the 3rd floor (where he knew I was), saw her sitting at the table, and walked down the aisle of desks and then went back downstairs. He was definitely looking for me.
After I got off work on the 3rd floor, I just happened to walk by the cubicle where Josh was studying on the 3rd floor. We had a short conversation, semi-awkward. But decent enough. According to Annie, she was in Johnny's around 7 when Josh gets off work. And she said she saw him set his bag down at a table and put his coat on and then walk around Johnny's like he was looking for someone. Was it me? And then he took his bag and left.
Walking back from German, Josh was sitting at a table in the hallway with a girl helping her with her Chinese. Josh looked up and saw me, looked away, and realizing who he just saw, looked up again and said "Hey Kristi" to me. I smiled and said hi and our gazes locked for a second longer before he went back to work. In the evening Josh was working behind the counter at supper. It was just like old times, man. He didn't see me until I was up to the counter about to get my food. And he looked up from cleaning the counter and saw me. He said hi to me and I said hi back. I told the lunch lady, Peggy, what I wanted to eat. I looked over at Josh, who was just standing there looking at me, and said hi and smiled. Talked more to the lunch lady and looked over again at Josh, who was still looking at me, but quickly looked away when I looked at him. Aww. I had a night class last night, 6:30-9:15. Afterwards I went to the library to print something out and was sitting at a computer facing Josh, who was sitting at a table nearby. We caught each other looking at each other twice. After I was done with the computer, I went upstairs to use the bathroom before I went and talked to Josh. When I came back down Josh wasn't sitting at the table anymore! But I looked across the room and saw him at a computer. So I walked over to him, he saw me doing this, and continued to look at me with his glasses and knit hat on until I got closer. When I went up to him we exchanged greetings and he told me he was looking up a book for his class. He asked to borrow my pen to write down the call numbers. He intentionally and massively touched my hand as he took the pen from me. The short touch was electric. He then said, "Do you want to come with me to look this up?" "Sure!" I say and we walk up to the 3rd floor. But I was thinking...I've got a theory. What I later discovered is that Josh didn't need the textbook right away for his class. So what I'm thinking is that he was going to go look up the book (which he knew was on the 3rd floor before he even looked it up) because he thought I had gone up to the 3rd floor, and in that way, we could have talked. But that's just a theory. Ha, I'm in-sane, I know! So anyways, we walk back down to the main floor where he's studying. Oh and something else that was great! So I'm holding an issue of McLean's in my hand (Canada's version of Newsweek), which has a cover story about the Olympics. So Josh and I talk about that and how the Canadian magazine has a picture of hockey on it. And Josh said, "Didn't you used to live in Canada or something?" What's amazing about that is that he remembered that from our first talk we had waaaay back in December. Definitely impressive and nice to know he remembered! So Josh and I talk a bit more about current events and this book he's reading "The Man in the Castle" by Philip K. Dick (about if Germany and Japan had won WWII. I'm def. reading it after him!) and also about Chinese history, since his homework was out. Josh was talking about this Chinese fortune telling tradition using a bundle of sticks and he was saying he wished he had one because he's very indecisive. "Well get one then!" I said. A clue to his relationship with me, perhaps? But it was quite a decent conversation and hardly any lulls. This was really refreshing. And after about 25 minutes of talking, I leave the library.
So that's the story with Josh. I'll run into him again tonight at dinner and at the library. :-) Oh and if you want proof of all this, check this out! There's tons of pictures on Calvin's website of random events and people around campus taken by this secret person. It's called the Roving Web Cam. The pictures are sweet to look at, and Annie and I were scrolling through them and we found this! Of course you'll know who that hair belongs to. And the guy in the back in the maroon shirt. Yep. That's Josh.
Well thanks for reading this far! I'm impressed if you made it this far. If you did, in your comment to me write "Hallejuah!" so I know. Haha.
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