That's me in the icon right there. Moodwise that is.

Feb 18, 2009 23:26

Fangirl highs are the BEST. I am currently in one because of HOUSE AND WILSON GOING ON A DATE OMGOMGOMG!!! Eeeeeeeeee. And you know they have basically dated already but actually qualifying it as a date means it has to be more special than their normal dates so YAY! I hope Doris Egan or another House/Wilson friendly writer wrote it. I have been pretty meh about House lately, cute moments in the last episode with H/W aside but this is *just* the spark I need to get me back in the House/Wilson loving mood. Also plain ECSTATIC. My boys are offically dating! God they are so in love and meant to be and FATE and canon, hell fuckin yeah. . I have this vid idea that needs as many sparks as it can so this is wonderful. I am trying to contain myself but it's hard and this is after I ran around the block. Basically in my head it is a wonderful party of screams and squees and OMGs and super happiness. Ahhh this is why I ship my heart out.

In other fannish news, I have completely fallen for Andy/Oscar from The Office. And you know, I've been wanting a good slash ship on this show for awhile now and although I love Michael/Dwight and Jim/Dwight and Michael/Ryan and the general slashiness on the show, nothing really stood out to me. And I've always liked the Andy/Oscar stuff since Business Trip but it just took that hint of canonness in the episode before last week to make me full out shippiness. I'm surprised it took me so long as they have exactly the dynamic I love with the whole see through the hard exterior to the jelly inside as Andy says so perfectly. I'm such a sucker for that. But now I'm watching their scenes together and dying for more scenes together. I swear this is like right after I got into Michael/Jan and then had to wait a month before they had a scene together. It's SO frustrating for my shippy brain.

Some thoughts on Dollhouse: I thought it was kind of meh but had lots of potential so I'll keep going with it (although let's be honest, I'll watch anything Joss makes). The plot itself bored me but I like the concept of the show and Joss shows usually take some time to be developed. Mostly I missed the sparkling dialogue because seriously, that's one of the best parts! Also I worry about the characters as it's important for me to care about them and so far I'm having a hard time in part due to the premise. But I think it'll get better with time. I can see the Eliza Dushku may not be the perfect actor for the part but at least I care about her a little. I'm a bit puzzled on why so many people are interpreting the show as Joss thinks it's good/okay to treat the women/people like they're doing on the show, obviously it's bad and the show is not condoning it so I don't have a problem with it. From what I read, it sounds like the later part of the season will be better and if it gets cancelled at least it won't be the devastating Firefly loss. Which I am still bitter about.

College is going pretty well so far. Still trying to get a balanced schedule but I'm procrastinating somewhat less and reading more so that's good. I'm taking Computer Science 1, Visual Programming, Introduction to Financial Accounting and Primetime: The Game of Television. The last one, of course, is my favorite. It's like a TV industry RPG where there are producers who pitch shows to the networks who sell the shows to the networks and then everyone votes for what shows they watch. It's really fun! Unfortunately I'm stuck being a producer since there was some miscommunication in my network group and we didn't turn something in. It's hard for me as I don't gave a lot of workable TV show ideas (suggest some if you want!) but I'm working with my old group so that helps. I actually sold one of my ideas! It was all about using social media and stuff like that to stay in touch over long distances. Thank god for other teammates helping out with fleshing out plot and characters. The other classes are going well too, I like them all but there's not much to say about them. It's kind of lonely at times as it seems everyone else has a lot of friends and I'm just trying to meet people I have a connection with but I'm hoping I'll find a few as I get more involved with clubs and stuff. Although with my crappy luck, two clubs meet the same evening I have class for 4 hours. Arghhh.

I took the Census test because I really need a job and it pays double anything I've ever been paid. Plus it's proving hard to find a job on campus. And I reeeally want to go to Paley, hopefully to see Dr. Horrible and meet Nathan and if I get lucky, see the Battlestar event. Sadly the Pushing Daisies one is when I'll be off on Spring Break but I'm sure they'll show the episodes on the DVD or at another time at least. Can't wait for The Office tomorrow! And John Hamm on 30 Rock is soooo hot. I am all swoony throughout that show now.

andy/oscar, college, 30 rock, the office, rl, fandom, house, house/wilson, dollhouse

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