Happy Birthday, Jesus. Sorry your party's so lame.

Dec 25, 2008 17:15

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Flist! As the subject says, the party is kind of lame here as we don't do a lot for the holiday besides a dinner and a present or two (mostly money). But nice to get the day off work and be able to do whatever I want. Which is mostly to watch Six Feet Under as it is my mission to finish S2 today. I am looking forward to watching Doctor Who Christmas special as well which is just about done. And there's always Yuletide too which although I'm always jealous of the people who get to participate, there's good fic I like and this year a vid! Everyone should check out eruthros and thingswithwings's One-Night Fandoms: A Tribute to Yuletide which is an awesome look at all the more obscure fandoms. And there's two fics for The Wire this year! I always check that fandom first and both are wonderfully Omar/Brandon focused. There's Five Ways Omar Remembers Brandon and Scar Tissue and both are great :)

I fail at the Happiness Meme but nothing very happy has happened to me lately so not much to report. At least you are spared my rant on how much I hate cold and snow and 10 minute trips taking 45 minutes instead causing me to scream. But at least Six Feet Under has been great! It's a show that takes awhile to sink in, it reminds me of Mad Men in that I don't have a ton of LOVE and JOY in it but yet I want to watch more and more and I like all the characters and want to find out more about them. At the moment I love David, Brenda and Claire the most and I'm looking forward to marathoning some more. I don't know if I'm looking forward to the series finale or this vid (which everyone whose seen SFU should go watch) more.

Hope everyone's holidays are going well!

vid rec, six feet under, fic rec

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