So today I voted in my first presidential election. It's such a milestone to finally be able to do that. The best part is I voted for Barack Obama, the (hopefully) first African American president of the United States who I support and believe in with all my heart, mind and soul. It was quick for me, took about five minutes long with no line but it was still glorious and monumental and just SO NICE. Just pulling those levers made me feel so proud and happy that I, we finally made it here and are making this happen. I got all emotional because this is actually amazingly finally happening. Wow. Just wow.
As I say, I don't vote because my vote matters but because it matters that I vote. It matters for Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton and all the women who worked for the vote and all those who didn't have it. It matters for the African Americans who couldn't vote, for the young people who can't vote, for the people without property that once couldn't vote and for the people from other countries who this election effects but who can't vote. It matters for anyone who has ever been denied the right to vote. So no matter who you vote for, I urge everyone reading this to vote.
Tonight I'm working and thankfully missing the election night craziness (and not House) but hopefully by the time I get home, the election will be decided for Obama. And hopefully I'll have a much happier Flist tomorrow then I did four years ago. Can we call tomorrow More Joy Day if he wins? Cause it definitely will be.
So last Monday,
lianri and me went on a small road trip to get to Chester, PA to see Barack Obama in a rally and although we braved snow and rain and long lines, it was all so worth it to see him. Basically the driving in snow storms, freezing in the relentless rain and waiting for 5 hours is forgotten in my mind when I remember his speech and being with a rallying group of Obama fans and just seeing him so close. We got there at 5 am or so when there was about twenty people ahead of us. The best part was playing an Office quote game I made up where one of us would say an Office quote and then the other would have to name the character who said it, who they said it to and the episode it was from. We both did quite well actually although I'm a bit rusty from my old knowledge. We didn't get any pictures besides us in line as they said we couldn't take any which we later found out was a lie. But we were only two rows from the front so it was okay in the end.
After waiting through other speeches, he finally came out and he looked just beautiful even in jeans and a jacket. It was so surreal to finally see him live, to hear him speak with his amazing voice and words and to be more inspired than I ever have by a politician speaking. He made me forget all about the cold and rain and *believe* in him and change and the possibility of a better future. It was exhilarating. I still can't believe it actually happened, it feels like a dream but it was worth all the money. Once he was done with the speech (it's online probably), he came around to shake people's hands. I was *inches*, centimeters away from shaking his hand but basically I came that far to touching him as someone else got the handshake. Ah well. After all that, nothing could take away my happiness. I was just jumping around in a happy high. After seeing snow for the first time I had been really depressed but he reminded me that I could overcome that just like this country can overcome all the horrible things we go through. YES WE CAN.
In other good news, I have my computer back! Fixed it on Saturday/Sunday and have most everything working well again. Now trying to catch up on TV and the like, so far Pushing Daisies, Heroes and Gossip Girl have been a lot of fun. Hard drive next week and then much vidding fun follows. And I'm happily aglow with all the great vids that have come out in the last few weeks not to mention I just finished Smallville S7 a few days ago so I finally saw a bunch of vids I haven't seen before for fears of spoilers. Gah vidders are so amazing.
Go vote!