I know your lips (Stiles, Proops and Mochrie: Unplanned Reports)

Jul 22, 2008 23:20

Sorry for the delay with this but life's been really crazy and busy for me lately and I'm a bit overwhelmed. As promised here are my notes, the things I can remember and pictures from Stiles and Proops 7/17 and 7/18 in Montreal. I tried to keep note of all the slashy things, personal stuff and/or info that could be useful in fanfic. I can't transcribe some of it very well so sorry about that (Clay and Odo, any help here?). clayangel has even more details in her LJ as well.

So clayangel, iamcrazyodo and me are outside the theater when I first see Ryan and Greg coming out of it to go smoke and I get super excited and all my nerves coming back at seeing them again. It's always amazing for me to see them in RL and how tall they are not to mention how cute. We watch them smoking although I do try to be as discreet as I can. It's helpful to get those jitters out of the way at first as I get used to their presence. So we then enter the theater and go to our very nice third row from the front, in the center seats. There's a couch in front of us and over it, a sign says "Two Guys. One couch. No script." We all thought that was perfect fodder for fanfic because we all know how great a couch can be ;) Off to the right side is a keyboard in which a guy played music a few times and on the left was a board with paper that a volunteer they picked from the audience wrote jokes down that they used. So in walk Ryan and Greg and I'm all happy to see them again live. Greg was dancing to a song and it was really cute. They asked if anyone was from out of the area and Clay and I raised our hands and they asked us where we were from and a few other things. It was a cool if a bit scary to be in the spotlight. One slashy thing that happened was Ryan whispers into Greg's ear and touches him a little. And then Ryan mentions Colin!! He said he saw Colin in Montreal today for the first time in three (two?) years (which is actually wrong but it's metaphoric). He said he was still the same, not funny ;)Ryan and Greg were both singing "Bicycle Race" by Queen and it was really cute.

Someone asked what was their shoe sizes in response to questions, Ryan said 15 and Greg said he was 9 and a half and it wasn't his shoe size ;) Greg also mentioned how they put garlic in everything in Montreal. Some random notes: "pussy cat dolls -lube". There was a woman who sat up front who apparently had two different names, Anne/Diane and loved both Ryan and Greg and was making lots of sexual comments (like she'd go to bed with both of them). It was hilarious as they talked a lot with her. [From clayangel] One of them said "We're BOTH her daddies," and they were talking to her about being sandwiched between them. And then Greg might have mentioned having a foursome here by adding in the keyboard player.

Okay next Ryan talked about his daugher who recently turned 16 and how he didn't like her biker boyfriend. He said if she would be a lesbian he would become gay and get rid of his wife (soooo fanfic right there). I was like, that's going to be our next mission, turning Ryan's daughter gay. More confusing notes: "mom did (home from w_. "do co?" I'm thinking that's Colin but I can't figure out the context there. Then Ryan mentioned being spent and said "I'm moist". Ryan said he had bad smoked meat at Neil's Deli and Swartz was mentioned as better. More bad notes: "460 F (like you) / but he in your own juices / fuckin a -moazaa calls ring (greg shakes head)". Ryan was upset with his daughter and was saying how he had an angel son and perfect four year old daughter and Greg said of course his younger children are good or something like that. Ryan fake cried then at his older daughter. Ryan said he had acid at 16 or something like that but said the first time he got high was at an Elton John concert and he wasn't even smoking anything.

Ryan said he had never been to Montreal and asked if you would still get a ticket for running a stop sign if you didn't know the french word for stop. Then they said that Drew loves balls and men. Then Ryan got into pronouncing terrace with the french sounding emphasis on "ass". Not knowing the context here (sorry!) but Greg says that Ryan was bi (or as I put in my notes "know bi"). Which, yeah so very true in my mind at least. So then they were talking about Drew getting married to a chef unsurprisingly and before he was a confirmed bachelor. Then they were talking about how in marriage you always have to give. [From Clay] Ryan said that he always agrees with her because he doesn't have the will to argue things with her when he knows she'll just win, even if she's wrong. And the example was "Ducks drive cars," and he opened his mouth to argue, then slumped down and went "Yeah, you're right." More notes I can't quite get: pic/bad decisions/ ring transmitter". Ryan was saying how he had a perfect night of pancakes, sex and TV. THEN Ryan said if not for the sex, he'd be gay and I have "w/Colin" here so he definitely mentioned him here and I was too psyched to get the exact words. He said men have a great relationship and aren't possessive of each other, if one left there's no where are you going questions. Greg gave a WTF look here and was arguing a bit about that. And Ryan mentioned they don't talk about their feelings. Then "smell vanilla, have a little", no idea what that means. Ryan asked Greg who drives and Greg said he did. Ryan said he couldn't drive with his wife because she drives like a passenger, always looking at things. Greg said Jenn drives like Ben-Hur and Ryan says he calls his wife every night but she doesn't call him at all.

Then I have some impossible to decipher notes which I'll include here for posterity's sake. "watches up a last day / gets car, dog (vacation)" (probably the rich woman who came up to talk/sing with them). When asked what's kept her and her husband together she said good sex. So then these two guys from Australia come out, one the Good Australian (Adam) who translates for the hyper Bad one (Brendon). All four of them sit close on the couch so there's lots of touching. Ryan likes cowboy shoes apparently and Ryan says he's always held up in LA airports. So then they mention "smooth young boys" and they said it can not be gayer so Brendon starts to take off his shirt and unbuckle his belt, falls on top of the three of them, Ryan slaps him on his butt, Greg unbuttons his shirt (or pretends, don't remember) and pretends to give Adam a blow job. Yeah, it was pretty slashy ;) Greg talks about being Bob the Builder and does Bob in a strip club. Ryan and one of the guys apparently are touching at one part. So then they all sing and I have here that Ryan looks at Greg singing in kind of a slashy way and he touches him on the shoulder...and something else I can't decipher. And that's the show for that night. Later we meet them and as usual Ryan and Greg are really nice. I got a picture with both of them and told them how hilarious I thought the show was. It was the funniest show IMO even if you can't tell from my notes.


And then there's the best night. So on the drive here, Clay mentioned that Colin was in Toronto which wasn't too far and he could show up. I was so excited thinking about it because I've wanted to see them together for over two years since I got into the fandom in April 2006. And it's just been sooo long and so many times being disappointed that they never do shows together and fear they'd never work together again and all of that. So I was afraid to get my hopes up because everytime I did, I'd get that rush of a high. We were afraid Colin would come on a Saturday since it was the last night and we'd deeply regret not being able to get tickets and not see him. So I went in the theater Friday night just looking to enjoy a funny/slashy show with Ryan and Greg. We had seats way in the back right this time. This turned out to be a good thing because all of a sudden people start clapping and we turn our heads to see COLIN coming in below us. I totally freaked out and was basically going OMG HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT over and over again. It was good to get a view of him but wow I was just in amazement that I would eventually get to see Colin and Ryan together *is still delirious at this moment at the thought*. So I tried to write and pay attention to Greg and Ryan while trembling a bit and sneaking glances at Colin.

Ryan and Greg walk in holding hands (!!) for a long time. It was so cute. More bad notes..."van/win/men / make love to ...(my pen died out here). Then Ryan asked where Colin was and he raised his hand (I am totally squeeing at this point), Ryan said nice to see you and I freaked out again. Ryan said that they got him a free ticket and called him a dick (in a funny way) at one point. So then Ryan said yesterday night he went to a magic show where they had already picked him as volunteer but no one knew and they were supposed to steal from his wallet but he put it in his front pocket so even if they stole it, it would still be "fun for me". So then he went to bed at 2 and there was some porn or loud sex going on that he could hear. Ryan was worried about there being cameras in the room (I thought it was interesting how Ryan was nervous about cameras being in his hotel room, who knows what he's doing in there...). [From Clay] Ryan asked Greg if he watched porn in the room, and Greg kind of stared at him for a second and then talked about how he watched it with the sounds down really low with him sitting close. Ryan asked if he wasn't afraid that he was being videotaped and therefore porn for someone in a different room, and Greg said "If they want to watch a sweaty, middle aged man (euphamism for masturbate that I don't remember), then good on them." Then he metaphorically compared getting off to matterhorn and then an avalanche. Someone asked the question I wanted to ask, how Ryan got to Montreal since he hated flying. And he said he did fly. He said he knew everything about planes (this reminded me of Kalimyre's great AU fic) and that dentist also scare him so being at the dentist on a plane would scare him the most. He also said he takes Zanex and a Caesar drink and also loves Clamtomato juice.

So they make joke about these people who were late, they asked her which of the two men she came in with was her boyfriend, and after she pointed one out, Greg brought up a threesome. They brought the girl up but send her back because she was boring. Then they mention bringing Colin up, everyone cheers and they start acting like they won't do it because it's their show and all but finally they do OMGOMGOMG. And then there is a HUG between Ryan and Colin and I am dyyyyying here. Ryan and Colin are in the same position here as my icon except with their positions switched around and Ryan grabs Colin butt here (again see icon but stronger) distinctly and oh the slashy sexual part of their relationship is BACK. Colin also hugs Greg here for all you Colin/Greg fans (*looks at Indy* ;)) So they sit on the couch with Colin in the middle (sandwich love!) and Ryan has his arm around Colin although it's on the couch and he does it with everyone, it's still squeeful to me. Colin asks Ryan if he's been working out (!!!) and Ryan asks Colin what he's been up to. Okay the bad notes return, I have "fine wso (?) money / things like" here. They talk about seeing each other at Christmas for the first time and how there they CHANGED PANTS. I mean, seriously, what other context is there but sex? Keep in mind, Deb is here watching the entire time, I can only imagine what might've happened if she hadn't been...

Colin talked about how Ryan never calls him and he doesn't even have Ryan's number. But when Colin's father died recently (the audience all awwed in sympathy here), Ryan sent him a card and Colin didn't even know what Ryan it was. But he's like, Greg, you didn't give me anything and they banter a bit about that. While they're talking Ryan touches Colin's arm and pats it a little at some point and it's just soo cute. So then Ryan says he has a four line joke and someone who was here yesterday says he's already done it and Greg does a funny exchange with them about how do they not say anything they've said the day before. Ryan does tell a different joke, Greg tells one and then they get Colin to tell a joke so he does one about mice having small balls which goes over almost everyone's heads even Greg. Colin points out that it's intellectual, hee. Colin said that he was in the NY parade on Madison Avenue honoring all the great advertising icons and he was the snack fairy. Ryan had no clue that he had done it. So all the people at the event were saying Hi, Mr. Peanut and such but for him they were all saying, "Hey, Colin". Colin says, "Hey, Ryan" and then Ryan says well it's better than saying, "Hey, fairy". No idea why but Ryan says "fuck off" (I have confused written here). So Ryan asks if he has to wear the tutu which he does. And Colin says "I'm a whore" and says he did it to renovate his house. They start talking about Drew's bedroom and how it has a fog machine, flowers and stars in it. They're like, I wonder why he's still single. Greg says he's a gentle man.

Then they started talking about how they kiss everyone on the show and they asked if Ryan had ever kissed Drew. One of them said "we've all kissed each other". Ryan said that his younger daughter was watching the show and asked "why do you kiss Colin so much?" and Ryan said AND I quote, "We love each other like Mommy and Daddy" Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *dies of squee* It's hard to get much more canon than that. So someone asks whose the better kisser. They were like, how do you judge that. And Ryan says, well Colin has the best lips but Greg gives good tongue. I'm just like OMG I can't believe this is happening eeeeee. So then he says they do it for the cheap laugh. BUT then Colin says that he felt affection and there was a little love there. Awwwwww it IS more than just laughs just like I've said all along. Somehow we segued into Greg saying "I wish I could quit you" and "ride you like a palomino horse" or something like that. They talk about Charles Heston movie type stuff here. And here's a quote for Indy, Colin says at some point "Nothing better than a trio". Too true in this case. So then they get up to sing with Colin standing in the middle of them yet again. As is my usual, I'm watching Ryan and Colin standing in the background, just them being close to each other is amazing. Colin gives the funniest line when he says he's more popular than Paul McCartney in Quebec City. So then before they leave, Ryan and Colin go for the handshake and then hug each other with Colin's head against Ryan's chest (he's on the right). Apparently then Ryan kissed Colin on the cheek but in all the excitement, I missed it :( Clay saw it though so at least I know it happened and saw the hug.

Ryan and Greg go back to sitting on the couch and Ryan says notice how I didn't make fun of him being bald and he didn't make fun of my nose. He also jokes and says how he doesn't like that guy. Then at one point Ryan touches Greg's hair and moves his two fingers dancing on it like a person. Ryan said his daughter has a Myspace and how he watches the show To Catch a Predator. Greg's never seen it and he's like, what do they do, use Miley Cyrus as bait or something like that. Ryan said his kids don't watch Hannah Montana. He says his older daughter is goth, has black hair and has her ears pierced and now wants her eyebrow pierced. Greg asks if he'll take her or something like that and Ryan says no he's not just going to take his daughter to get her tongue pierced.

So then Jason Reitman who did Thank You for Smoking and Juno (which I love) comes out. Ryan talks about his beard a lot and how he wants to cut it. Greg says he's a semester away from finishing college. They said the dressing room was very circular and hard to get up to. Ryan likes Air Canada even though Jason tells a funny joke about how they have bad customer service where a guy goes up to a flight attendent and names airline slogans to figure out which one she's on to which she says "what the fuck are you talking about?" and he's like, "ohh, Air Canada". Ryan said he flew with Drew to Cleaveland and a mechanic said he "thinks it'll stay up til Cleveland" which freaked Ryan out even though he was talking about something else. He said he used Alaska Airlines a lot because it's one of the few that fly into Bellingham and there were a lot of poorly dressed type people there. And then they all sang about Jason's film project, The Laundry Mower 2" or something like that.

I was so ecstatic at the end of the show, all bouncy and still amazed that this actually happened to me and was practically tripping down the steps. I manage to go up to Colin and told him thank you so much for coming, that I was hoping he'd come and he basically made my day, week, lifetime and he was very thankful. So then I go outside and Clay and I talk about it and squee and can't believe this happened to us. We are SO LUCKY, we know considering that we both weren't going to come and then Colin comes on the day we come on. Crazy amounts of coincidence in the works there. Odo couldn't make it to this show but she meets us there and we tell her all about it. I also met Jason Reitman and told him how much I loved Juno and how great the movie was. We hang around and eventually all three of them come out one at a time. The timing wasn't great in this one as Ryan was smoking, crouching down by himself for the most part and Colin was talking to the people they came with but Greg did come out and see us and gave us all hugs. He's so incredibly nice. So Deb is talking and Colin is waiting for her (they're all going to dinner) and Greg's like, "we really don't want you to come" (to Deb) or something like that which was interesting in a slashy context. I didn't recognize Deb actually, haven't seen her in much but it was nice to actually see her for once. Anyways, they weren't really talking to fans and left too quickly for us to get pictures or anything but we did overhear them talking about going to Gibby's and then we saw Ryan and Colin and everyone walking away to go to dinner. I just watched them walk away together until you couldn't see them anymore and pretended they were holding hands ;) Clay has pictures on her journal in iffy quality but still sooo cute. One day I will get a picture with the both of them :)

Everytime I see them I can't believe that this actually happened. It was a chance of a lifetime to finally see them together after they've been apart for so long save a few other times. I still would love to see them do a live improv show together but after that show, I firmly believe it'll happen someday. They STILL have a strong connection, they're still good friends, they're still really slashy and I still can't help but love them deeply. Ryan/Colin <3

whose line, ryan/colin

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