Lots of Little Things Part 1

Jun 11, 2008 22:35

Okay lots of little things to talk about so I'm going to divide this up into two posts.

First a really important announcement if you haven't read it yet:

counteragent's little sister-in-law, Jenny, is very sick. It would be so wonderful if you could take a quick moment (just like 3 minutes) to check out her family's blog (http://jenjensfamily.blogspot.com/) and see if you think you might know anyone like Jenny. They are looking for "comparables" (people who have similar symptoms) that may have had success with treatments Jenny's docs haven't yet tried.

They would also really appreciate it if you post about this on your blog and thus help them spread the word.

Check out counteragent's vid that she made on her journal as well.

Book rec: Everyone should read and if you can, buy claudiagrays new book, Evernight for it is awesome! If you like vampires, definitely check it out but there is also great characters, romance, wonderful twists and great writing. I really enjoyed it and cannot wait to read the sequels! I read it in one night as is my favorite way to read (and watch) things so that was fun.

A request: If you make icons, PLEASE label all your icons with your username/icon community. It makes it so much easier when saving icons to use for LJ later. In order to credit, I do type the names of icons but its annoying and I wish every iconmaker would make it easier for people to credit them. Also if you make fanmixes or provide music to download, PLEASE make zip files for people to download. I am lazy and don't have the time to click on every sendspace link or whatever so I usually skip it if it's in that format. It doesn't take long to zip a bunch of files and if someone doesn't want a file, they can just delete it. If you have a personal website, it doesn't apply as much. Which I really am going to get my website back soon, I hope.

On the computer front...more and more crappy tech issues keep coming up. Both of my hard drives stopped working after a year and a half and there is no hope of recovering them *sigh* So I lost 800 GB of space and 90% of my music collection, lots of DVD footage and all my episodes. Most can be redownloaded/reripped but it still sucks. I have sworn I won't buy another external hard drive until I can afford a 2 TB one because multiple hard drives are annoying but I at least have one left to rip dvds and download stuff too. My keyboard got fixed...but now it's not working again ARGH. The tech guy bought me a new DVD drive since that didn't work (I paid for it) but then couldn't install it and in the process has messed up my sound so now sometimes its all staticy and weird. Why universe, WHY?

Plus now I have to buy a new external dvd drive and can't start vidding the Premiere vid until Friday. So I now have two weeks to get that all done...going to be a race against time. We'll see if that gets done. Thank god for shortness and knowing what I want in terms of clips. It's not a big deal if I don't finish it like last year, I just REALLY want to have a vid at Premieres. Plus I think it'll challenge me and push me past my usual style so I hope I can finish it.

If you ever wanted to see a list of Stargate Atlantis vids to download, here's a good one. So many amazing ones for this fandom. Another Sunday is a MUST for anyone, I don't care if you've never seen the show before. One word: sparkles.

VID REC: Sexy Back by dayln03. This is a Brian vid from Queer as Folk to a song that's been used a lot but it is sooo beautifully edited and proves once and for all that Brian is the sexiest guy alive so it totally works. I love this vid so, so much.

I apologize in advance for the spam but it's not like I post all that much anyways.

vidding, queer as folk, vividcon, music, technology sucks, icons, book rec, vid rec

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