OMG this is the gayest week(end) of my life

May 28, 2008 14:55

So I may have spent most of Memorial Day weekend watching all of Brothers & Sisters. But it was so worth it! I enjoyed it greatly and it was so nice to get addicted to a show again for the first time since Oz. I was really annoyed the other day seeing someone describe TV as "visual crack" but you know what? I love my visual crack. The addictive quality is the best part! So I started watching mostly for the gay storylines with low expectations but it turned out to be pretty good. I love the family banter among all the family with all the funny lines and making fun of each other in a affectionate way. My two favorite characters turned out to be Kevin (I am nothing if obvious) and Sarah who I recommend for everyone on my Flist who loves strong, business women who are awesome. Also Sally Field is wonderful as Nora and it's so great seeing Ron Rifkin back on my screen! Odd at first as I kept expecting a Rambaldi reference or him to have some kind of mastermind plan or being weirded out that he has slightly similar relationship to his former psyriatrist on Alias. I wonder if I don't like Balthazar Getty or he just has a habit of picking kind of wooden characters because he's the weakest cast member for me here. The Everwood cast is fun to see here too as well (damn you, Berlanti! hee) and it cracks me up that Robert McAllister is like Bobby from Jack and Bobby. Rob Lowe is pretty but I HATE the politics storyline on the show. There was a great quote that described me from the show, I don't like the fight [of politics], I like supporting the cause. But the family and relationship stuff is great.

It's just so nice to see a gay character (Matthew Rhys is soooo cute as is his accent) get the same amount of time as straight ones in his relationships. There is plenty of boykissing on this show :D It SOOTHES MY SOUL. It really does. I never get enough of it. And Scotty is adorable especially when he smiles and kind of closes his eyes *melts* I'm so easy. It's amazing what having one gay couple can help break up the heteronormality (see also Grey's Anatomy).

Anyways, spoilers:

Awww Kevin and Scotty got married! YAY!!! And it's legal now in California which makes it that much more special and important. I loved the finale with the flashbacks which are always awesome and Kevin trying to persuade Scotty's parents to come which was heartbreaking. The cuff links present was so sweet though. I absolutely loved when Saul thought they were all talking about him and so came out to them. Hee. Now on the one hand, the Ryan reveal was great and Justin/Rebecca is cute so I'm glad it works out for them. But on the other, I was like, ANOTHER illegitimate child? Come ON! But hey, I'm up for it and look forward to see where it goes. I also loved last years finale with the crazy relatives and everyone jumping into the pool. Such a cool way to go back to the Pilot when their dad died by falling in the pool but now they've had moved on from that and accepted it and are purposely jumping in. Love those kind of things. Two wonderful moments for me was the end where Nora finally swam in the pool in 103 and when she threw away her ring into the ocean.

I also loved the Jason/Kevin kiss which was classic yelling and finally going for the attraction. Jason is just so hot. I sympathize with Kevin because going so long without hearing from someone is SO FRUSTRATING. I've been there. I don't blame him for breaking up because it's not much of a relationship if you're not in contact and don't know where you stand. Also I loved the Chad storyline which was cool to see someone deal with their sexuality in a relationship. It reminded me of Drew and Emmett on Queer as Folk right down to the cute car kiss. I just adore Kevin's sarcasm and funny comments. He can be a bit of an idiot sometimes but I still love him. When he scored the army guy, I was like hell yes! It's awesome too that Saul is gay which was wonderful to see him finally come out especially to Kevin the car. Aww. I hope they continue that plotline with Milo next year. As I say, it's always a good age to be gay!

I also love, love Sarah. I love when she let's herself go and has some fun. I think she needs a guy who inspires that in her. I never thought Joe was good enough for her (as well as wishing he would shave and cut his hair) which was proved in Season 2. I was infuriated when he tried to get full custody. UGH what an ass. I did like that Sarah got to spend time with Kevin and it got me invested and made me sob when her kids had to leave her :( So unfair. But thankfully she got them back again. I did love when they went camping by the ocean together, that was cute. I need to try that sometime. I LOVED when she did karaoke as she has a beautiful voice and a great presence. Her shooting pool when they did the awesome road trip in 109 was awesome too.

You'd think the family would learn by now not to share secrets they don't want told but it's always fun when they come out. One of my favorites was when they all found out about Tommy cheating (what IS with all the cheating in this family? oh, Walkers).

I think loving this show is my cue to watch Six Feet Under which while it has a different tone and better overall writing, is all about a family with a family business, a gay character (Michael C. Hall!) with boykissing and Rachel Griffiths. So add that to my long TV watching list. Which speaking of, here's a TV meme about the past TV season:

Started watching in the autumn: [note: new shows only] Chuck, Pushing Daisies, Dirty Sexy Money, Life, Gossip Girl, Journeyman, Kville, Reaper, Private Practice, Bionic Woman
Lost along the way: Journeyman, Kville, Reaper (might pick up again), Bionic Woman
Picked up along the way: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Brothers & Sisters, Eli Stone, Project Runway
Considering for next season: Dollhouse, Office spin off, Fringe, Stylista, My Own Worst Enemy, 90120, Crusoe, The Listener, The Ex List, Flashpoint, Sit Down Shut Up, Merlin, Kings, Swingtown, Caprica, Cupid, The Stranded, Life on Mars
Best season opener: House (OT3!!!) and Pushing Daisies
Worst season opener: Supernatural out of the ones I'm watching, Journeyman and Bionic Woman of the ones I'm not
Best season finale: The Office
Worst season finale: Hmm...I was expecting more out of Heroes, Supernatural and Stargate Atlantis
Dealt with the strike well: Actually I think all my shows dealt with it pretty well.
Did not deal well with the strike: See above. I think The Office/House could have developed their plots more but it wasn't their fault.
Most impressed with this season: Pushing Daisies. How is this show so perfect?
Most disappointed this season: Heroes, Supernatural
Most looking forward to: The Office, Dollhouse
Shouldn't have got renewed: I don't wish that on any of my shows.
Shouldn't have been canceled: I was lucky enough to have my shows be safe.
I want to pick up/should have carried on with: Pick up- Mad Men, 24, In Treatment, Family Guy??, Carried on - Prison Break, Desperate Housewives, Psych, Smallville, The L Word, and Life, Chuck, Dirty Sexy Money, Gossip Girl and Private Practice I stopped watching but then picked up again.
Other shows: I have too many for this which I'm still unclear on.

I've been sick with a cold/headache all weekend as well which was annoying but thankfully it's mostly gone. I've been feeling pretty optimistic about my life lately which is always good. This summer I really want to do a lot of things I haven't done before. For one, I want to really explore the city and go out and do stuff which I've never really experienced or seen. Plus I want to visit some places from my childhood that I never really got to say goodbye to. I just never went out a lot in high school and I'd like to really do that. Also I'm planning on going on seeing the US Open finals if I can because I reeeally want to see Federer play (my favorite tennis player) and hopefully tie or beat Pete Sampras's (my previous favorite). I saw them play together a few months ago (on TV) and it was just amazing. So that will be a fun NYC trip.

I've been feeling a lot more romantic for awhile now, Jack/Irina kind of inspired me back in January and it hasn't really gone away so who knows, maybe I'll find someone. It feels like I'm over my two year kind of thing (don't ask) and even though who I'm looking for is rare, you never know. It'd just be nice to actually experience romance versus live vicariously through my favorite TV character although that's always a nice alternative for my hopeless romantic self.

I'm been in kind of a vidding funk in typical horrible timing but I'm working on my 5 facts vid meme I got tagged for and it's just so much fun! It's definitely helping so that's good. Now that TV season is over, hopefully I'll have more time for vidding stuff.

I've been experiencing an Office renaissance with all my love for the show coming back full force as I rewatch the show. It's reminding me why this show is my favorite and why I want to obsess about it so much. I'm still going to be doing my rewatch with clip notes/posts after Vividcon season is over. But for now fun rewatching is always great. It's funny, in the past couple weeks, I've had people on my Flist falling for The Office, Firefly and The Wire and it just makes me SO HAPPY to see such great reactions to them and reminds me of the first time I fell in love with all of them. It really is an amazing feeling and one I wish I could repeat sometime. And that is why I watch so much TV, in that never ending hope that I'll find another show that makes me feel that way and so full of love.

vidding, tv, personal, the office, rl, meme, tennis, brothers and sisters

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