Read less, more TV.

May 15, 2008 11:14

I watched The Office up to The Client last night and it was so much fun! Michael/Jan were so perfect back then, it makes my heart happy. Everything was perfect in my eyes. Oh, my show.

Gossip Girls is reminding me of Veronica Mars (and not because of Kristin Bell's voiceover) in terms of relationships which can only be a good thing.

The best thing about this episode was getting the fabulous foursome of Blaire, Chuck, Nate and Serena back together again. They really do remind me of VM with Blair as Lily, Chuck as Logan, Nate as Duncan and Serena as Veronica. Except there's no sibling relationship to worry about (not that it would stop me...) which is helpful for lots of intra-friendship shipping. It was just so fun to see them together, their bonds obviously still strong that they would protect one of their own. I love how they all said the bad stuff they'd done with Chuck saying, "I'm Chuck Bass." Hee. The drug/murder plot was stupid (it wasn't Serena's fault!) but it was worth it to get them back together again. My other favorite part was the insanely sexy Chuck and Blair scene with them out to get Georgina. Yum. I'm totally shipping them because unlike most of the couples on the show, I *get* why they're together with their similarities and having a delicious bitchy and banterific dynamic that I love. Also Chuck/Nate is super slashy and hot.

Also no Jenny in this episode which can only be a good thing since I hate her with a passion. My favorite thing about the last episode was definitely Eric coming out. Yay Eric! I love finally getting a gay regular on the show and he is so freaking cute. I hope he gets a real love interest next season. It would have been nice to get an actual kiss but I understand how it goes with the story.

There's a new interview up with Silvio Horta's thoughts on this season of Ugly Betty and the next. It reminds me of Tim Kring's interview where he acknowledges the mistakes of S2 (although UB's weren't as bad IMO) and promises to fix them next season. Plus UB is moving to NYC next season! Personally I love it because shooting on location brings more of a realistic touch to the show. The sad thing is that Marco Pennette's leaving the show :( He wrote the Thanksgiving episode (Dreamgirls dancing!), Don't Ask, Don't Tell (favorite episode still), East Side Story and the Wedding episode (one of my absolute favorites). The love quadrangle stuff is really bringing down the episodes for me. I love Betty/Henry and think that they're insanely romantic and cute but I *hate* how all that the writers can think of doing to keep them apart is to add love interests and soapy drama for both of them. It's so frustrating! And it ruins their dynamic and loses the geek love that I love the most (remember "it's just something I know?" yeah, me neither). It's called INTERNAL CONFLICT writers. Argh. I don't really like Gio and he's never lost the annoying vibe when he quacked at her (I can't STAND that, bad PR flashback) but at this point I don't even care if Betty's with him because it's better than the stupid love triangleness of it all. Plus I'm more in the camp of Betty should get anyone she wants (as long as it's not Walter). Although if they want to convince me of Daniel/Betty, it's not going to be for a long time because I fucking hated how Daniel treated her when he thought she had a crush on him. Ugh. You don't deserve her right now.

What I really love is Silvio talking about trying to keep the storylines together like for instance including Betty in the paint ball war. I think you can have a couple stories going in an episode but it's good to connect them and keep them all interesting in their own right. Plus I love that Cliff's coming back with a good storyline (although I don't mind a satellite story). I really hope we get more Wilhelmina versus Daniel storylines next year as I'm not much of a fan of this baby storyline. I'd much rather have seen her working on a rival magazine. I miss the Marc and Amanda dynamic this season as well. I hope next season will be even better!

On another note, the Christian Siriano and Nina Garcia guest stars were the BEST THING EVER. I loved Nina making fun of Christian's ego and how the win went to his head (tongue in cheek of course), Christian's big entrance and classic "The House of Siriano has arrived. Worship me, bitches." I wish I could use that line. Also I loved telling Daniel off for using fierce, calling Alexis a "hot tranny mess minus the mess of course", Alexis's puffed shoulder clothes and Amanda's attempt at a Christian outfit and Daniel's girlfriend calling Nina a slut and her giving the most hilarious WTF face. And of course the best line, "Sometimes there's no other word. Fierce." LOVE. No matter how many times I repeat it, it never gets old.

Nothing much to say about BSG except that the last episode was awesome and got me excited about the show again so yay BSG!

I loved this episode! I had serious doubts it'd be lame but it turned out to be my favorite episode of the season and the first one I truly liked since the S4 premiere. What I loved is it had lots of connections to Gallifrey and the genocides there with the Doctor trying to establish the opposite of the war there which was amazing. And I loved how it got into what it meant to be a Time Lord. And I thought the daughter thing would suck but they pulled it off so well! I loved Jenny, she was adorable and cool and I'm so glad she's alive in the end. My favorite thing about the episode and what destroyed me the most was the self-sacrifice for the two doctors with Martha and the Hath and Ten and Jenny. Both times they made me cry because I can never resist a sacrifice. And the Haths were so cute! I love cute aliens. Plus Martha was super awesome and we got a hug! Oh I do so love their dynamic. Plus Donna was made of awesome and made me laugh so much.

If you've ever considered watching How I Met Your Mother (or haven't!), I'd check out spectralbovine's pimping post for it here. He sums up a lot of the reasons I love it so much from it's lovable, pretty, relatable ensemble of characters to the nonlinear narrative timelines and flashbacks. It really is a smart, great show and after the first 8 episodes or so gets immeasurably more awesome.

I really do love this show times infinity every week. It's breaking my heart these last few weeks to see Ted and Barney broken up not to mention Barney and Robin having some distance with them being my two favorite ships. I did love the Barney and Robin scene with Barney's new wingman (who was super cute) though. I think they're taking it slow with that relationship which is good and I hope they try it when Ted's cool with it. Still it doesn't make me as obsessed about it as I was when they first kissed but who knows when that will change.

I didn't like the Britney plot this week because it was so separate from the other plot and I find Britney cringeworthy and not a good actress. But Barney was omg so cute in his blue outfit that reminded me of Henry from Ugly Betty (kelbelle figured it out for me). I also fell back in love with Marshall/Lily as I always do. And Robin was hilarious getting clothes from them. And I totally spotted Larry Wilmore as the vet (Mr. Brown on The Office!).

I *loved* this episode although I thought I'd love it more with all the Cristina potential they had to work with. It broke my heart to see Cristina so glum and not trying to get the good surgeries and SINGING. Oh, Cristina :( It was nice to get a Burke storyline to not let that completely fade away and show Cristina is still affected and can't so easily push it aside. I love how Meredith ran down there to find her when she heard (although it should have been sooner) and they're just so cute and OTP together. My other favorite part of the episode was the boykissing! \o/ Nothing makes me happier than a gay love story and overcoming the military to do it. It totally sucked that Santiago (from FNL) died and Meredith made it all about her (of course *rolls eyes*) but it was still sweet to see an actual POTW storyline with them.

I over identity with Cristina a LOT so all throughout this season I've been switching off and on between hating Hahn when she's mean to Cristina and loving her when she's away from her (taking down the boys club was the best part). I like how she reminds her of herself and get the lack of recognition and all but still...It's so awesome to finally get some canon femslash with her and Callie although I have no idea if they're actually going to do it. It was definitely nice to get Addison back if only for a day. I also loved the scene with Derek in the elevator with all his lovers, Addison, Meredith, Rose and Derk hee.

I read that Shonda rewatched the entire series during the break and I'm really hoping she'll take it as a lesson and get rid of the melodrama and get back with the funny and friendships with the residents/interns. And if she does do Derek/Meredith again, make them charming and cute like in S1! I rewatched the show up to Yesterday (because that's where the good ended for me) and enjoyed S1 so much not to mention the first four episodes of S2 which is where the show was the best. The Addison in those episodes is my favorite and they never really got her back IMO. Plus it'd be really nice if they could redeem George and Izzie for me. Back in S1, I even loved the POTW plots! I did rewatch S4 as well (for the Cristina/Meredith mostly) and liked Lexie better so that's nice. And Callie without George has made me like her so much better so thank god that love triangle of DOOM is over.

The thing that bugs me about 30 Rock which I also had an issue with on Veronica Mars and Alias is how it seems like since they have the main character be a woman, they have zero or one other woman regular and that's it. The biggest thing about 30 Rock is where are the women writers? We have Tina Fey and that's it. Personally I only like Twofer and think the other writers are pretty lame. I wish Amy Poehler would star as a new writer although I doubt that's likely now. Anyways, I will keep enjoying the hell out of Liz and Kenneth like I always do. While it annoys me that yet again we have another professional awesome woman is desperate for a baby that she can't get mention, the episode was pretty funny. My favorite part was the gay bomb thing which was hilarious. My favorite episode of the season was definitely the Christmas episode where it was nice to see Liz's family and the whole Jack proves they have issues plot was too funny. The porn videogame thing is just lame. I still wish the show would tone down the crazy characters and make the humor a little more understated and the characters a little more real and lovable but that's just me. Also I'd like less political humor but sometimes they just nail it and it's hilarious so I don't usually mind. I enjoy Jack and Liz but just platonically and I'm glad Tina Fey feels the same although if they wanted to do something way down the road, I probably wouldn't mind much.

Taken from celli: Cast your dream TV series of all time. Three to five actors, must include at least one male and one female. Tell me why they'd be so awesome together.

(Bonus points for show premise/location.)

Here's my answer and yes, I have thought of this a lot:

Lena Olin, Victor Garber, Gale Harold, Randy Harrison with special guest starring by Jennifer Garner. Insane amounts of chemistry all over the place and lots and lots of pretty.

It'd be an Alias spin off where Irina and Jack start their own spy agency in NYC (solving the Lena Olin problem) and eventually get Gale and Randy (characters TBD)to join them who fall in love and are the gay spy team. Sydney shows up a lot to go on missions with her parents. Jack is still never sure if Irina is using the resources and plans for her own motives...but that's what makes it fun. Flashbacks to earlier times in their relationship abound, Irina gets to spend lots more time with her sisters and family (Isabelle Rossalini guest stars) and there is an elaborate plan they work against that is completely serial starting from the beginning and ending with a huge bang that was all worth it. Lots of kissing and sex for all members of the cast as well as lots of Office like humor.

I'd probably spontaneously burst into flames because of the awesome, hotness and perfectness of this show every week but it'd be worth it.

So what are yours?

lena olin, project runway, ugly betty, queer as folk, gossip girl, 30 rock, battlestar galatica, the office, alias, victor garber, grey's anatomy, doctor who, how i met your mother

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