Canon bitches, ie the one where I flail over House/Wilson some more

May 12, 2008 16:21

So while I'm waiting anxiously for tonight's House (eeeeeeee four more hours!), here's my belated commentary on Don't Ever Change (there will never be enough exclamation points and capslock to contain my glee).

So this episode is now officially my second favorite episode of House (after House vs. God-better potw). The title is my third favorite (after the next two finale episodes, House vs. God gets the fourth spot). I think it's so perfect because to be with House you can't want to change him. Wilson gets that (he had his moments but he's good now) and Cameron never will and Cuddy puts up with him. I can finally talk rationally and without too much squee about this episode so here we go.

I'm always happy to see the real beginning of the episode start with Wilson and of course, House/Wilson with special fire cane elevator appearance (that Pilot deleted scene will never fail to be awesome). I love House trying to figure out Wilson's relationship with Cutthroat Bitch (I call her Amber hee) as a doctor/scientist would. "You hid this from me?" Awww House's pained, disbelieving voice. I don't quite get the relationship myself besides her being (in some ways) like House so I understand House. I love how Wilson predicts House's reaction. I love how Wilson is cool with House investigating because he knows there's no use trying to change House (he needs to do it on his own with some helpful support) and how that attitude continues into No More Mr. Nice Guy. I do admire Wilson for trying to break the pattern, I just don't think he's with the right one to do it (HOUSE HOUSE BLINKING LIGHTS). I love House's puzzled look.

Of course House brings it up to all the newbies and it's all he really wants to focus on besides the boring medical case (join the club, House). House breaking into Amber's apartment! Just like he would on one of his cases to solve. I love that he figures she would think he would want her to dump Wilson. Because of course he doesn't want anyone around his boyfriend hehe. McGill sweatshirt!! So the wrong person to be wearing it but the House vs. God shout out is priceless. Hee Amber cracks me up. My position on CTB: she's entertaining which is the second most important thing on House (after interesting and what is interesting is what she's doing with Wilson and how it affects House so I'll go with it) and while I don't actually love her, I switch between liking her and loving to hate which suits me just fine for this show. I love how toying with Wilson=toying with House because again, they are so a couple (not just subtext anymore!). Id say she's doing it because of House AND Wilson and any side effects like sex which I can't argue with because Wilson=yum. In the Amber and House parallel comparison they both have blue eyes. "Give him back his sweatshirt" OMG LOVE. Possessive much, House?

I always love a theme of do people change and House doesn't believe in religion. Especially as he considers whether or not Wilson can change his pattern and more importantly, if he is. I love, love how Cuddy always has to defend House. And House tells her about Wilson, hee! He loves to announce his big news in order to see if he can find out any more clues. See this is what I like, personal mysteries rather than medical ones. The show tries to combine the two sometimes but if you don't care much about the patients (who will leaving after the episode), it's not nearly as much fun. "People don't change. For example, I'm going to keep repeating, 'People Don't Change'". LOL ILU House. Cuddy touch! They're kind of hot, I'll give them that. I love how the Kutner and Taub get into the game of trying to figure them out. Lupus! Always makes everything better.

OMG House stalks Wilson and Amber FTW! Ah Wilson's other boyfriend joins in. "And I call you Greg because we're now social equals" Yes as competitors to Wilson's affections. House stealing her drink of course. "You like her personality. You like that she's conniving, you like that she has no regard for consequences, you like that she can humiliate someone if it serves-oh my god. YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH ME GLEE LOVE SQUEE. There really are no words. I love how his mind immediately going there to having sex with House. Hell motherfucking yeah. I LOVE you Doris and Leonard and love that I can see that exchange on my screen for my favorite slash ship. It cracks me up how they just awkwardly walk away as they absorb that grand revelation of love. The slashiest House has ever been and we haven't even made it past the halfway point.

"The more you know someone, the more you should love them" And of course House and Wilson know each other the best and love each other the most *hearts them* I'm going to say the whole Foreman and 13 bisexual scene was all about House and Wilson being bisexual and keeping it a mystery what their relationship is-until this episode spells it out but in all other episodes it still applies.

Love House checking out Wilson through the blinds. "House, you're right. Why not? Why not date you?" THAT'S WHAT I SAID! "It's brilliant.[yes I know] We've known each other for years, we've put up with all kinds of crap from each other and we keep coming back. We're a couple!" YES, YES YOU ARE! OMG THE CANON TEXT IS SO BEAUTIFUL. It's like from a glorious, glorius text but TRUE on my beautiful screen. And he's not even talking about Amber it's just all about them. God. I don't have the words. It's so not metaphoric, House, it's REAL and literal and no way to misinterpret it, thank you very much. "You would agree if you weren't mired in self-loathing topped with a thin crust of meglomania." I looove the self-loathing callback. Seriously, House, wake up and see it. You're amazing and Wilson loves you, flaws and alll. He's attracted to you and your personality! Kaching, my ship rules. "She's a needy version of me" And hence House would be a much better choice to break the pattern. Of course House finds out the four months lie. "She wasn't needy, she was in a bad situation" Riiight, Wilson. "What are you trying to avoid? Well if you looked at me with those flashing eyes before I was in involved..." *HEAD EXPLODES* OMG THE CANON. Wilson would soooo date him if he wasn't in a relationship already HELL YEAH. I still I have no idea how I didn't spontaneously combust watching this episode. And House so loves him. *happy sigh*

House to Cuddy: "I need you to sleep with Wilson." OT3 FTW! Oh House, stop putting your desires through someone else. House: "His love for me" *squee* "Wish I could help but as administrator there are some people in accounting I'm scheduled to sleep with first." ILU Cuddy. So sexy. They have funniest banter and it reminds me how much I love this whole plotline to pieces. "You're worried it'll succeed" YES because he soooo loves him omg. "It bugs you that he wishes he could [change]." Cuddy's got it right. I love how House outright makes the patient's body a metaphor to Wilson. That's one way to make the cases interesting. Hee I love how Cuddy becomes House. I love this OT3 where everyone is connected to everyone in a myriad of ways. Aww Wilson and his "wow". I want him to be happy but I'm not quite seeing it with Amber yet and I think House and Cuddy have valid concerns. It's good to take a chance and try though (just don't get married!).

Of course, House actually has a drop Wilson clause to Amber, to protect him (and get a chance at him) awww. It's good to see her walk away from the fellowship, Wilson deserves it. Aww House smile :) "Things aren't where we want them to be just because we want them to be there." Oh, House. He's finally getting it. "You do it both ways right?" Hee. Oh the wink is all about House wanting to do it too hehe. "I've decided. You can do worst than a female proxy for me." *SQUEE* Oh god, it so canon. I love how House figures out that a female version of himself is better than nothing. "Are you being self-sacrificing?" I think House is willing to take a chance on losing Wilson (which he knows will never happen but there's always a chance) and that it's a big step of him to sacrifice that little bit of extra reassurance in his relationship with Wilson. He'd never admit it because that would mean someone else is tied with his self but he's loves Wilson enough that he does Wilson to be happy and give it a try to break the pattern even if he never succeeds. I love their goodbyes and that beautiful Wilson smile as he understands what a big deal this is for House.

Oh, boys. I had forgotten just how beautiful and slashy and canon that episode was. I love you Doris Egan and Leonard Dick. Seriously, they rule my writer universe.

I don't know if these are considered spoilers but just to be safe:

House's Head and Wilson's Heart. Wow. I never thought I'd see my big reason for shipping them and for shipping many other couples actually reflected in episode titles. I'm all about the head and heart dynamic so this is just heaven. The downside of that is my expectations are SO HIGH. I'm trying to keep them down but I really want these episodes to be perfect and full of House/Wilson. Usually I'd be cool with Wilson/Amber and House/Cuddy but for these episodes...well I don't want them to overshadow House/Wilson. I want real, emotional scenes between them. My ideal wish is for in Wilson's Heart, for Wilson to tell House that he loves him. It would be so wonderful going full circle from 97 seconds and I think Wilson can actually say it without any prompting. Probably won't happen but a girl can dream. The titles are just so perfect that I can't help but think there's going to be *something* big or small that's meaningful. But they just so complete each other ain that ridiculously romantic way and the titles really say it all.

Also a House/Wilson vid rec that fills me with love: Girlfriend by mystictwilight. The song is hilariously addictive and it really just had to be done. The graphic is perfect and a nice little You Put Me There shout out/demonstration. It's all in good fun. Anyways I love how fast moving the vid is that fits well with the music, the effects that work with the song/concept, the repeated parallels and expressions and the priceless lyric and clip matchings. It's all so much fun and all her vids fill me with H/W squee and joy (she did the amazing If We Shadows Have Offended, House/Dead Poet's Society crossover as well).

Also I've been listening to some House/Wilson podfic (which I love btw) and I found an amazing one that works the best for me as a podfic versus a fic. Love is a Battlefield", written by starlingthefool is just amazing. I love how she captures the characters' voices, the hilariously brilliant concept, the MUSIC and how ridiculously romantic it all is. Mmmm it was so much fun and so much happy bouncy goodnes to listen to this and it kept getting better all the way through. As always, fic/podfic recs are appreciated.

OMG 30 minutes left!

house/wilson, house, podfic rec, vid rec

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