Some short TV thoughts

Apr 24, 2008 17:37

Happy Office Day everyone! I am reeeally looking forward to tonight's episode as it sounds really, really good. And the promo was absolutely delightful. Michael/Ryan, yay! Plus ALL my shows are coming back for the best night on TV. Ugly Betty, Grey's and Supernatural are all back making me very, very happy along with The Office, Scrubs and 30 Rock. I am annoyed at the Scrubs and 30 Rock shift because it messes up my perfect comedy night of Ugly Betty, The Office and Scrubs that all fit so well with being all about the character love. But whatever, downloading solves all problems. Now all I need is for House to come back and all my favorite shows will be back (not counting the ones returning in the fall).

Lost and me are broken up now. I'm going to marathon the show once it's over but I barely get any pleasure from it anymore and feel like a puppet being dragged in crazy directions. I just don't see the brilliance no matter what people say. Hating Jack and most of the characters is probably the biggest reason. It's going to stop being abusive boyfriend now.

Random TV snippets: Absolutely loved How I Met Your Mother (which reminded me why I ship and watch TV with the euphoria) and The Office last week but don't really have much to say about them right now. Enjoyed the latest Doctor Who eps but the episodic nature of it bores me to death. Still miss Martha. OMG NEXT WEEK though. Caught up on Gossip Girl and am enjoying Chuck/Blair, Chuck/Nate and the cuteness of Eric. Also finished watching Eli Stone and Victor Garber continues to make me squee along with the yummy slashiness that is Eli/Jordan. I LOVE all the singing and musical numbers. Having sworn off Law and Order, Christopher Meloni made me change my mind with SVU because he is SO DAMN HOT and I just can't resist his insane amounts of charisma. I swear I don't usually watch actor's work just because I like their character but Victor Garber and Chris Meloni act in a way that reminds of their past characters and it's just nice seeing them again. I wish Lena would do more TV because I want to see her as well! Oz and Beecher/Keller have managed to get under my skin so I can't help but love and think about them so I'm slowly rewatching the first season. B/K kind of traumatized me by hurting me so much though so sometimes it's hard to watch.

I'm posting more of my Queer as Folk and Brian/Justin thoughts at IJ since some of the fandom is over there so if you want to read about that my journal's here. I'm also posting pretty regular updates at Twitter here if anyone is actually interested. I do better with short updates so I can override my perfectionist tendencies and I'm hoping this will be useful in the future if I want to see what I was up to back in the day.

I may have finally settled on my Premiere video after three tries. With some audio editing, I think it's manageable. I really hate vidding to deadlines though, the pressure can be so paralyzing. Hopefully someday I'll learn to start early.

Next up on my TV catching list: The OC S4, Flight of the Conchords, Prison Break S3, Psych, Sports Night and Carnivale.

vidding, tv, queer as folk, svu, brian/justin, gossip girl, the office, oz, victor garber, eli stone, lost, doctor who, how i met your mother

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