I love this show! (OMG what am I saying?)

Sep 13, 2007 20:15

Yesterday I finished S1 of How I Met Your Mother. Somewhere along the way I fell in love with the show and I don't know how. After finishing episode eight, I was ready to break up with the show as I found it generally unfunny and the characters mostly blah, pretty normal white people who I couldn't really relate to. And Barney who I initially loved came across as your average womanizing guy which gets annoying really fast. But there are a bunch of smart people with good taste on my Flist who really love it so I kept giving it a chance because I couldn't understand where their tastes could be so wrong.

And they were right. WOW! The episode after the eighth was actually the start of a run of good episodes that kept me falling in love with it (totally unaware). I was even getting over the laugh track which drove me crazy at first (I am spoiled by The Office/Arrested Development) because I can't stand people fake laughing at stuff that's not funny as well as the humor not being quite as brilliant as I was used to. But by the wedding episodes I was starting to adore all the characters and relationships. And the show began to play with time (which works perfectly with the premise of the show) and do some unique things like cool visual stuff. And I could really see the show becoming a lot smarter over time and towards the end even made me compare it to The Office which is saying something. The show is finally getting that repetition and coming back to jokes in unique ways makes it even funnier.

I absolutely love the episode where Barney and Robin are being "bros". Hilarious and adorable and I want them to be BFFs. Or more because it seriously made me think of them as a couple. Ted/Barney/Robin works for me as well. Ted is just so cute and I kind of really love him. Plus he's so pretty. That OT3 is pure pretty as far as I'm concerned. And Robin is really awesome except when she's being jealous and then she's reeeally mean. Good thing she goes back to being awesome quickly. Victoria and Ted were actually really sweet espcially that first day at the wedding. I LOVED Game Night with all their embarrassing storylines and Barney being crazy awesome and finding all about his past. I don't know if I completely buy the personality shift but I'll take it cause it was fun(ny) to watch. Life Among Gorillas was really great too especially with the Barney/Marshall interactions. But my favorite episode by far is Mary the Paralegal. WOW. I was OMGOMGOMGing all over the place during that not to mention the LOLs. It was so smart! And the plot twist was the best and completely unexpected. There was some amazing classic lines in it too like "You just insulted someone I hate by referencing something I love" (SCORE!) and the whole "You've been lawyered" running joke. And the "And this one guy wouldn't leave me alone. Talk about anal!" slayed me completely not in just they went there but OH the hilarity of misunderstanding.

And then there was the Best Prom Ever episode which was almost as good and wonderful. I love how they're exploring character's pasts and showing the different sides to relationships. I haven't been very interested in Lily (or Marshall/Lily) throughout the first season but this episode really made me like her and the past half of the season has done the same to their relationship. And I love how the jokes have become so much more character based. I totally called the "I kissed a girl" kiss and dialogue as well. Score! And then the finale was so wonderful with the cute romance of Ted/Barney and I was laughing so much at the rain dance scene and then was so happy with the kiss. And then the end tore my heart out and I was crying with happiness and sadness. Well done, show.

And WESLEY!! I know why he's there but Wesley *happy sigh* I've missed him. I need to see some S3 Buffy episodes. Also, FRED :D And when she was mentioning him indirectly, I was cracking up. Mmm Wes has not gotten any less hot no matter what his personality.

In other much more disheartening news, I lost all my Vividcon panel notes *cries* My mom threw them out most likely (*STABS*) or put them somewhere where they are lost. I have moved past my hate and grief (man, I NEVER write notes! Vidding meta is LOVE!) to general disappointment. I am really sorry to anyone who was looking forward to reading them and wish I had written them up sooner. This is not good news in my quest to finally finish my con report (which I'm still going to do, I swear!). ETA: Nevermind, I found them!! I never forget Vividcon (too much) at least. Still miss it though.

buffy the vampire slayer, how i met your mother

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